Our bus drove through the night over treacherous and bumpy roads, stopping every 20 minutes to pick someone up or drop someone off. I had no idea what was going on. Directions we're given in Spanish, we got lost, ended up eating at a gas station restaurant, and laughed the whole way through. After an 8 hour drive we finally made it.
That's the best way to describe my first few days in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. I was flooded with a new language, new cultural expectations, and new needs that I have never seen in the United States. We're working with Casa Verde, a ministry very involved in the community. We're working alongside two YWAM groups from the US and Mexico. It's been great having so many people around to spend time with I would share what a typical day looks like for us, but it's never the same thing.
So far, we've gone on a lot of prayer walks. We break up into teams and walk throughout the community, approach people on the street or in their home, and pray over them. Everyone is so eager to receive prayer which is very encouraging. Most evenings we attend a church in the area and lead worship, perform skits, and share testimonies. We've visited a nursing home and we're able to listen and just be with individuals who just want to feel loved. We spent time at a children's hospital the other day, trying to bring joy to the kids. Thursdays are dump days where we visit the city dump (keep your eyes peeled for a blog on that soon).
Our days are long and very busy, but this ministry is preparing us for the race in so many ways.
Some ways you could pray for our team:
-Health (a lot of us are feeling under the weather)
-Joy in all circumstances
-Opened ears and eyes to hear what God is trying to tell us and show us
-Continued strengthening of relationships
Thanks for taking the time to read. I'll be posting more soon!