Yep. You read that right!


I’ll land in San Francisco, California in late June and while that may still seem like a ways off, if it’s anything like the rest of the Race has been, time will fly by!

Speaking of FLYING…while my fundraising covers my ticket to the U.S. it does not cover any expenses needed to get me back home from there. If this is something you would like to help me with or if you have any questions, I’ll share my Venmo tag, PayPal tag, and email at the end of this post! Thank you to all of you who have been supporting me during my time on the field.

Last August, I boarded a plane that would take me on the adventure of a lifetime and since then, I have experienced things I had never dreamed I would get the opportunity to experience. My faith has been tested in ways that have stretched me and I have gained powerful, life-long friendships within my squad. Returning to the States has potential to be a difficult transition, so I wanted to take the time to prepare you for what to expect and to give you a glimpse of where my heart is on coming home.

I need you to know…

I need time to grieve. I am beyond excited to come home and reconnect with everyone; however, I will be going through a grieving process. I will be leaving a community of people who have come to know me intimately; people who have walked through these same experiences with me. I will need time to grieve the ending of this season. While I am looking forward to my future steps, I am also aware that feelings will come from this journey ending and I want to handle them in the healthiest way possible. One thing that I believe will help with that is you all, my friends and family, being aware of it and allowing space for it.

I can’t share my entire journey in just one interaction. I want to share my stories and life lessons with you, but I want to do justice to what the Lord has walked me through and let’s be real – sharing the past eleven months of my life all in the span of a single coffee date is not realistic. 

Don’t be hurt or offended if I don’t reach out to you immediately. I’ll need to adjust. I‘ll need to process. I‘ll need time. I don’t know what to expect upon returning to America. It might be overwhelming for me or it might not be. I want you to reach out, but all I ask is that you be understanding of the potential headspace I might be in during that time.

What I’ll need from you…

Your support and your listening ear. I’m going to need people. Emotions will be high and I’ve been told that mental breakdowns during this time are normal. With that in mind, be intentional in receiving what I have to say. Ask questions. Attempt to understand. If I start crying or I have a break down – don’t worry. It’s normal. I’m okay. I’ve shared a lot through my blogs, but there‘s still quite a bit wrapped up inside me that I’ll need to get out.

Below is a list of specific questions you can ask me about the Race! Chances are if you ask me a generic question, I’m going to give you a generic answer. In an attempt to avoid questions like, “How’d it go?” or “Did you have fun?” I’ve provided a list of more specific questions that will make for more quality conversation. 


  1. Did you ever end up using your tent?
  2. How did you adjust to the race during your first month?

  3. What ministry did you do in month __?

  4. What is “team time” and why did you have it everyday?

  5. When did you start feeling homesick?

  6. What was it like living in constant community?

  7. How did being on a co-ed team compare to an all female team?

  8. What were you feelings in Malawi?

  9. Was their conflict on your first team?

  10. What were travel days likes?
  11. How did you take it when you had no wifi in Nicaragua?

  12. What was it like that first day in Africa?

  13. What did you learn from being a squad leader?

  14. How do you feel about most countries charging you to use public toilets?

  15. What did it feel like to be a part of someone receiving salvation?

  16. What was evangelism like in __?

  17. What was your favorite manual labor ministry?

  18. How did you feel about your living conditions in Malawi?

  19. What was it like being away from home during the holidays?

  20. How did you feel about having to adjust to a new team every month?

  21. How did you feel about not having any wifi or internet access on your base in Swaziland?

  22. Did you ever physically sick on the Race?

  23. Who were you close to on your squad?

  24. What is a debrief? What happened at those?

  25. What was your favorite food in Central America?

  26. Why was Swaziland so heavy?

  27. What was your experience at a fish farm in Asia like?

  28. How did it feel to preach to people?

  29. Was being a squad leader what you thought it would be like?

  30. What is a Tuk Tuk?

  31. Tell me about the spiritual warfare in Cambodia. 

  32. What has been the most impactful ministry you’ve partnered with?

  33. Tell me about your adventure days. Do you have a favorite?

  34. What did rest days look like for you?

  35. What was Victoria Falls like?

  36. Did you experience any healing?

  37. Did you have a favorite host?

  38. What’s the meaning behind your tattoo?

  39. How did you feel about living in the tropics for 11 months?

  40. What was it like to tell your testimony on the Race?

  41. Were you intimidated by anyone in your squad, at first?

  42. What did it feel like to have a bed, hot water, and a washing machine easily accessible some months?

  43. How did it feel to have wifi everywhere in Asia after three months of not having it in Africa?

  44. What does quiet time with the Lord look like for you now? 

  45. Was it hard to stay present on the Race?

  46. What was it like being a Team Leader for the first couple months?

  47. What did you learn about prayer during your time with PenHOP?

  48. What books or verses in the Bible impacted you MOST on the Race?

  49. What kind of music did you listen to?

  50. Who are Punky Bear and Linda?


You get the point. 🙂

Also, a huge unknown for me is you. I want to hear about your life, too. Your spiritual growth, what you’ve walked through, how you’ve changed. I don’t expect or want our reconnection to be soley focused on me.

If you’re interested in helping me financially concerning what I shared at the beginning of this post, here are my tags and my email if you have any questions:

Venmo: @AlyxPage

PayPal: PayPal.Me/AlyxPage

[email protected]

Thank you for reading. 

Thank you for making adjustments to how you welcome me home.

Thank you for your intentionality, love, and support.

Thank you for seeking to listen and understand.

Thank you. 

See you soon!
