Disclaimer: Truthfully, I am the salt already, and it is something I quite enjoy being; “You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13 I am happy with this, but for this metaphor we are thinking of salt a bit differently, we are thinking more like the Old Testament, more specifically the first book.


Genesis 19:26


“But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.”


I don’t know if you know this story, but for me it is one of those I remember quite clearly. Lot was instructed by God that he and his family must leave Sodom and Gomorrah because it would soon be destroyed. They were given strict instructions not to look back.


My story is different, but I serve the same God. I was sent out on a journey called the WORLD RACE, an adventure that God chose me for, to serve the world and grow closer to Him. So I am here in beautiful Puerto Rico, filled with the Glory of God in the beaches, the culture, and the fellowship that God has  created a space for. So why is it that I still feel this twitch in my neck to look back? Don’t get me wrong now, truly I miss home and the lovely people that I am blessed to call family and friend that reside there. The thing is, I am not there. I am here. I should be here, here and alive in the place that God has placed me, looking forward and walking forward. I DON’T WANT TO LOOK BACK.


So from what I hear looking back turns you into a pillar of salt, here, in this context turning into salt seems not so good. We can debate all day on whether or not Lot’s wife really was turned into salt or if it meant something else or whatever, but I’m not really interested in being the one to look back and find out. I’d rather be pepper you know; hot and spicy, on fire for God, adding flavor to everything. So, all though I don’t really want to turn into a pillar of salt OR pepper, I’d like to think of pepper as a nice tasty way of not becoming like Lot’s wife. If you’re not one thing, you’re the other, no?


So I vow to look forward and not look back because eventually I’ll be back home and that will be  what is forward and this amazing experience will be behind. I want to be present, alive, here, ready for anything. I want to FEEL. I don’t know if this ever happens to you but sometimes there’s so much to feel that my nerve endings must burn out or something, because the overwhelming feelings make me numb. It leaves me looking for myself, saying, “Alyssha where are you? Don’t miss this! Come here! Look over there, look at that, and talk to them.” I WANT TO BE PRESENT. It’s coming though, don’t worry, I’m praying for it and I feel it near plus I slapped some icy hot on that twitch in my neck and it’s calming down real good. So we can rule out that itch to look back.


So I invite you to spice things up with me, be full of pepper and avoid becoming a pillar of salt. BE WHERE YOU ARE. Live where you are placed for this time. Be content and full of joy and present in your situation, because sooner or later this will all be a memory and you will be in a new phase of life trying to be present there. So yes be the salt of the earth and let your light shine, but even crazier; be the pepper of your life and spice things up with your presence just like God likes to spice things up with His.


Sweet Happiness sent directly from Puerto Rico!


Contentment. Happiness. Joyfulness. Blessings.

