Fundraising time is always crunch time and it is definitely that here on the race. There are less than two weeks left for me to raise $3983 and I am thinking, Whoa where do I even start?

I know the Lord has led me here.. I know that the race was in His plan but it definitely opens up room for questions when you aren’t seeing change in a situation with little time. The cool thing is if I have learned anything on the race so far it is definitely to trust the Lord, that is no matter how funny things look.

The middle of the race is a hard time to fundraise because it is hard to even get in touch with people, most people you know have already given, and others are not wanting to give because they’d prefer you just come home already.

It is funny how God sets up situations that way. To a point where no matter what happens, He will get the glory. I like that. The whole God getting the Glory bit. Glory Be to the Lord and let His will be done, because my efforts no matter how big or small mean nothing but Faith, as He is the mover. I am interested to see His next move here.

And it’s exciting to me to be in a sticky situation and finally feel a sense of ” you know what, I have nothing to fear” because God is always in control and He never fails. I have yet to see Him fail, and for some reason I usually forget that and worry. Not this time, this time I’ll remember I have nothing to fear.

Joy and Faith
