Wow. 14 days ago I left home. 13 days ago I met my squad at the airport. 12 days ago I wondered what in the world I had gotten myself into. And 11 days ago I was ready to say yes to living this Unscripted life for the next 11 months, and honestly for the rest of my life.


The last 11 days have been amazing! I’m not going to lie and tell you it’s all been easy and smooth sailing. I’ve been challenged in ways I wasn’t anticipating and pushed out of my comfort zone. But I have learned so much. To write about it all would take a long time so I just want to highlight two major things.




When I first signed up for the Unscripted route it was mainly because of the countries. But when I read more about it I thought that it would be cool for me to live like that for a year. Then a few months before the Race began I read a blog about why you should choose Unscripted and it wrecked me. (oh and I later found out it was written by one of my amazing squad leaders, Ronny!) Living Unscripted is all about listening to the Father. It’s about seeking Him first in everything. It’s about loving the people right in front of you and simply taking Kingdom seeds with you wherever you go. During one of our sessions, one of our leaders told us that there is a statistic that says on average it takes someone seven times to hear the Gospel before they believe. Then they asked us if we are willing to be the third or fourth? You see, I may share my faith with someone and not see any fruit. But I don’t know what will happen to that seed. The beautiful thing is it’s not up to me, it’s up to God. And oh man, when I got that, I felt so liberated from any pressure of saying or doing the right thing. Living Unscripted is about living every day with open hands allowing the Spirit to guide you. It may lead to some cool encounters with a local traveler, or it may lead to the store to buy deodorant and getting to know a local in the process. It may not seem big and glorious at times, but oh how beautiful it is.




I love my community. My squad is 10 strong. I have loved getting to know the nine amazing men and women of God that are on my team. The last 11 days have been a blast getting to spend almost every waking minute with them. Walking to training, doing activities together, going to the market, visiting coffee shops (this is Brenna and my personal favorite J), watching videos together, worshiping, laughing and maybe even crying together. It’s crazy to think we haven’t even known each other for 2 full weeks. I mean we’re still practically strangers, but yet, we’re family. It was a little sad today saying goodbye to the other two teams. But we will all be reunited in just a short time! Community is great. But it’s not easy. Learning to live with people who are completely different from you can bring lots of tension. It amazes me though how the Lord can bring ten people from all over the United States, with different upbringings, different backgrounds, different theological understandings, different interests and preferences, and send us on the same mission – to take His Kingdom all over the world. When I sit and really think about it, it seriously blows my mind. I love it! I can’t wait to get to travel and spread the love of Jesus with these amazing people for the next 11 months!


Well, those are just two of the many things that the Lord has been teaching me since I left the States. 

Now that Training Camp is over, the teams are all going out on their own wherever they feel the Lord calling them. My team, Team Amor, arrived in Pisac, Peru today. We honestly are not sure how long we will be here, and we honestly don’t know what we are going to be doing. But we are so excited to jump into these next 11 months!!