It’s now been a week since I left home. A week since I left the hustle and bustle of life in the U.S. Since arriving in Cusco, Peru I have learned so much through the training of our leadership team. But I have also learned so much when I have simply sat before the Lord and leaned into His Presence.


As I sit in this second level coffee shop looking out over a little street in Cusco, I am reminded how quick we are to ask God for things. Whether it be wisdom, joy, healing, peace or anything else, we often go to God for something then quickly continue on with our lives. But how often do we rest in His Presence? How often do we pull in and just sit there longer than we may want to?


Today is our first Sabbath on the Race. It is a 24-hour period where we get to rest in the Lord and simply hang out with the Father. During my last two years of college, I began to practice Sabbath and it changed my life. If there happened to be a week where my Sabbath didn’t happen, I felt it. I felt it physically because our bodies need rest. God made Sabbath for us. He knows that we need time to rest. But I also felt it spiritually because I missed out on that intentional time spent with my Father.


I am looking forward to regularly observing the Sabbath this year. What it will look like is different for everyone and may even look different for me week-to-week. With this year being about hearing the voice of God I ask the question: How am I to hear God in a busy market if I don’t know what He sounds like in the quiet?


If you are feeling exhausted and worn out, I encourage you to spend some time with your Father. Take a nap, read the Word, listen to worship music, journal, spend time with friends, whatever it is, make sure to rest in the Lord!!