Hi All!!

I am currently 5 months away from leaving on the Race! Part of me is like “I still have 5 months!” while a part of me is like “I only have 5 months!” ahaha!

One big part about going on the World Race is I have to raise all my support. I have to raise $19,800 in addition to what I’ll need for personal expenses. Praise Jesus I am just about 50% fully funded!! I have been blown away by the support I have received already! 

Now that I am home from the summer I have some FUNdraising options!

1. One-time/Monthly donation.

    You can make a one time or monthly donation through this blog by clicking the Donate button on my home page! (All gifts through this are tax-deductible)


2. T-shirts!!

    I’m selling these awesome shirts for $20! If you would like one let me know by Saturday, August 24! They are super soft and overall super cool shirts!

3. Adopt-a-Day

    I have yet to find out the exact day I will leave, but I know I will be gone for at least 300 days. So what is adopt-a-day? It’s where you pick a day between 1 and 300 and after I lived that specific day I will send you a personal email telling you all about what happened that day and how your support made a difference. You can adopt a day for $10 (or 2 for $20, or as many as you would like). My hope is to have my planner filled with friends, family, and even people I haven’t met so that I can personally share with people back home how the Lord is moving.


4. Adopt-a-Jar

   I have 11 jars, one for each country I am going to (Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Nepal). You can claim a jar for $20. By claiming a jar you commit to praying for that country, the people, the time I will be in that country, etc. You can leave it at home, at work, at school and fill it with change, loose bills, encouraging notes, or whatever you would like. I will collect the jars at the beginning of December and all the money goes towards my trip!


If you would like a t-shirt, to adopt-a-day, or claim one of the 11 jars, comment below or send me an email (lyzajane25@gmail.com). If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to reach out!!


This trip would not be possible without the prayers and support of people like you! I’m often reminded that this trip is not my trip. This mission, is not my mission. This is the Lord’s mission. So by joining my support team, we are partnering together to do the Lord’s work!