Hello friends and family I have so much to update you on about my trip! As most of you may know, the world is still very much shut down. A team of advisors at Adventures in Missions has worked around the clock this summer to give us the latest updates and made many hard decisions regarding our trip. 

Last month we received an email giving us a few options. Although we would not be able to launch internationally in October, we could stay stateside until the new year, doing missions in a few different states and hopefully launch in January international. The second option was to postpone our trip until January completely and do 11 months international (of course if everything is open). Another option would be to wait until this time next year 2021 and launch then. 

I felt very torn for a couple of reasons. One, I have been prepping for this trip for the past year and felt frustrated that the timing was being “messed up” I felt so strongly about leaving in October but I also know that the Lord put a deep desire in my heart to go international so you can imagine the conflict in my mind. Another reason I felt disappointed is because for the past year I have been getting to know an incredible team of people who also have a heart for God and I have been eating to meet them all and grow together. It just didn’t feel right that we would be split up but I now have peace that God has a plan for each person on that squad and it is all for His purpose. 

After a lot of prayer I found peace in my decision and have officially committed to leaving January 2021 to launch international. While we may not be going on our original route, I know the Lord is going to do incredible things and is already working on our behalf, setting up divine encounters and preparing a way for our new squad. 

I am so grateful for the lessons I’ve learned in this season. That Covid cannot “mess up” the Lords plan for my life because He already saw this coming. He isn’t surprised one bit and He has taught me so much through this hard time. I will still be able to pursue my purpose even when I can’t see the way. I will follow in faith and trust His ways. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me financially and prayerfully so far and I will continue to update as we learn more about our upcoming trip! I love you all so much and Jesus loves you even more! 


xoxo Alyssa