Today is March 6, 2017 which means I have seven months until I launch for the WR. SEVEN MONTHS PEOPLE. Seven months until I say peace out to my family and friends for eleven months. Seven months until I leave the country and begin doing life with a group of strangers who will quickly become my best friends. Seven months until I step onto Chilean soil ready to serve and speak truth into so many lives. YO, this is all getting TOO REAL.
And while all the hype is here, and lets be real – a little bit of nervousness too, I still have this road block holding me back. $18,017. Why is money talk so awkward? I tell so many people about this trip because I honestly am thrilled for the ways that the Lord will morph my heart and allow me to serve, for the relationships I’ll have the opportunity to form and grow, for the wild adventure and exploring different cultures, for all of it. But I don’t really tell them about the cost. And if I do, I move past that part rather quickly. Support raising is just the beginning of the ways the Lord is already growing me for this adventure.
It’s a growing point because I’m realizing I can’t do this on my own.. (even working two jobs). I am encouraged though, because my source of dependence comes from a well that doesn’t run dry. This morning I am asking the Lord to strip me of my pride so that I can ask for help (even if it’s uncomfortable). Because this is not about me. This is about God, His Kingdom, and His will to be done.
To go on the WR , I will need to meet these financial deadlines:
$5,000 is due 7/21/2017
$10,000 is due 9/22/2017
$13,000 is due 11/30/2017
$18,017 is due 1/31/2018 (while I am already on the mission field)
This cost includes my food, lodging, and travel while on the mission field, administrative, set up, coaching, debrief, and training costs, and my medical insurance plan. It doesn’t include vaccinations, travel to and from training camp and launch site, and all of my gear (backpack, tent, etc.)
So awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings pushed aside, I am asking for help. I’m asking people who love God to be apart of this journey with me so that others all around the world can experience the life-transforming love of Jesus that we have. I am praying for monthly supporters who feel led to support this ministry by giving $25, $50, or $100 a month until I am fully funded. Donations can also be made for any amount one time. (This can be completed by clicking the donate button at the top of my blog – all donations are tax-deductible). I am also praying for supporters who are willing to come along side of my team and I in prayer (reach out to me if this is you!). Leaving my pride behind, I am asking please prayerfully consider what God is asking you to do or give to advance His Kingdom and share His Love.
With overflowing love,