It has been one year (tomorrow) since my World Race journey ended. WOAH.

 For my friends and fam that followed along on my Race journey and don’t know… I moved to southwest Michigan a few weeks after being home in the states. I found a job there as an Assistant Manager that challenges me as a leader and allows me to be creative in the outdoor industry. It’s perfect for this season of life. I live with two of my best friends 2 blocks away from Lake Michigan (Rj & Kayla – with a baby on the way) and have an honest loving community around me. I serve on the worship team at my church, and as of last week start volunteering as a YoungLife leader. I get to ride my bike to work, sit on my best friend’s porch and have heart-to-hearts regularly, and run on the beach whenever I want. My life is good. Not to say that there are never valley days, but the Father has given me waaaay more than enough. 

Some days, I really miss the excitement, the novelty, the cultures, and people (actually always missing the people). I find myself scrolling through WR pictures and reading old journal entries. But there has been something so SO sweet about this past year. Settling into a little town, slowing down and being fully invested where I work, doing life with people I love, establishing healthy rhythms, and becoming more deeply aware of the Father’s Love than I ever have before. 

 It would take me a looooong time to summarize this past year, but it has been one of exponential growth that I did not see coming. I mean maybe a little… but not this much.  

Moving to a town that I am totally in love with has been a gift. Working a job that I thoroughly enjoy has been a gift. Doing life with my best friends pressing into the “more” has been a gift. But honestly, the Father’s grace and truth and satisfying love on the daily has been the sweetest gift yet. 

Wow wow woowwie. He really is that good. His yoke really is that light. His ways really are that kind. Getting to know the Father is my favorite adventure. Thankful this one doesn’t end.