This has been an incredible last full week of ministry in Panama! While working on the coffee farm brings me so much joy, I’ve been asking the Lord to provide other ministry opportunities. And guess what?? He answered! 

Sunday we were able to attend the church of our host family and then spend the afternoon with their extended family. For me this meant entertaining the kids- which most of you know is a huge source of joy for me.
Monday we partnered with an American in the Peace Corps who is stationed in Panama and focused on waste management in the area. We walked the streets of Panama and picked up trash. We also worked alongside Panamanian locals and I met a woman who was a nurse for 39 years!
Tuesday, my teammate Casee and I got the opportunity to volunteer as translators for the organization God’s Eyes International. This is a non profit that travels the world offering free eye exams and prescription glasses to those who normally could not afford them otherwise. This was such a neat thing to be a part of. I also just find it crazy that I’m fluent (enough) in Spanish to be a translator…
Tuesday afternoon we all trekked a steep hill down to a beautiful waterfall. My legs and arms were dead the next day, but it was worth it. 
Wednesday we got to work with God’s Eyes again. It was so great seeing those who could barely see line 2 or 3 of the eye chart later get their glasses and be able to see clearly. I recently prayed that I wanted to observe crazy miracles like “witnessing the blind man see” and God so lovingly allowed me to see it. Man, He’s so good. 
Thursday we got to pick coffee cherries off the trees for the first time. 
Friday we had the opportunity to help 2 local missionaries from the States build their house. Kathy and Mike have lived in Panama for 3 years without having their own house. Construction in the Panama sun is no joke! But they rewarded us with a hot shower and bbq so we definitely weren’t complaining. 

This week was draining and the team had some low points, but we also have had incredible high points. We are preparing to leave Panama and travel to Spain for a squad debrief. In that time we are blessed to have a layover in Boston. My amazing family is going to “surprise” me and fly to Boston to see me for 30 hours. Please pray for me and my team as we have lots of transition ahead. 
Side note: I am $7,225 away from being fully funded. Please pray and ask if you feel led to donate. I’m so incredibly grateful to be on this mission of bringing the love of Christ to the world and it wouldn’t be possible without your help.
Much love,