How is it already November??? It’s like I blinked and 4 months went by. I am going to try really hard to be better at updating this blog. Since I last wrote, I moved from San Diego to Dallas to start my 7th travel assignment. This is super exciting because it’s the first time in 4 years that I will be home for the holidays. I have already gotten to see my family multiple times and the best part is no planes were involved for travel! 

Y’all….I leave for the world race in a little over 6 MONTHS! Eek! So many emotions about this. I still have a long way to go in my fundraising. My first personal goal is to have $5000 raised by February 1. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has bought a shirt. With all the devastating things happening in our own country, now more than ever I stand behind the message of “Be the change”. Seeing the world become a different place starts with you. With me. I was recently reminded that $5 may not seem like much, but that if 1,000 people give $5, that makes a huge difference!

With the Black Friday deals coming up, I am going to start purchasing big items for my trip. A backpack, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, etc. This is super exciting because it makes the trip seem much more real (and also a little terrifying).

Prayer requests-

1. I have been sick for 3 weeks now and am finally starting to feel better. Pray that this virus goes away and stays away. I would like to be able to work extra shifts at the hospital to put towards my trip. 

2. I have started to worry. Worry is always something I struggle with. Mostly because I don’t like not being in control. And everything about the World Race is out of my control. Pray that I would receive peace when I start to panic over missing out on a year of my family and friends’ lives.

3. That I would trust God to provide the funds for this trip. I know that this is what He has called me to, and He has always provided in the past. For some reason because this trip costs more than my previous mission trips, the enemy likes to whisper to me that God won’t provide.