2018 has been one of the strangest, yet most beautiful years of my life. When I rang in the new year on a rooftop in Seattle, Washington, I had no idea that I would be where I am today. I have been a travel nurse for the last 3 and a half years. I have lived in Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, California, and Washington. At the beginning of this year I spent 2 months living in Cameroon West Africa volunteering for an organization called Mercy Ships. Many of you have probably seen my posts about my time there. Mercy Ships docks in various port cities around Africa and provides surgeries to those who would not have access to medical care otherwise. I got to see lives changed before my eyes. I got to see and hear about the pain that people have lived with for decades. And ultimately I got to see the joy as those burdens were lifted. I truly believe my life was changed just as much as the patients I took care of.


While I was on the ship, I was carrying some pretty big burdens myself. No, I did not have a 10 pound tumor on my back or burns on my face, as my patients did. But I did have quite a bit of hurt in my heart. I experienced an intense freedom while on the ship. I was away from the comforts I was used to. I got to see God at work in a way I never had before. And I was called back to a faith that I had been detached from for some time. 


When I got back from Africa, my heart had changed. Ultimately, this led to separating myself from a life of hiding and hurting that I had been living. I packed everything I owned and drove 2000+ miles back home to Texas. I spent a month healing from the heartache I had somehow created for myself. I dug into the Word of God more intensely than I had in years. I cried. I hurt. I laughed. I realized that I was standing on the precipice of change. I could either choose to go back to a life of ease and comfort or I could ask God what it was He wanted me to do and do it. I chose the latter. 


I ended up moving to San Diego for a travel contract. The people closest to me who had been praying for me said they also felt God calling me to San Diego. Since moving here 2 months ago, I have seen over and over again the reasons why He brought me here. My first day of work, I spoke with a mom who would ultimately lose her child weeks later. We talked about my work in Africa. About all the places she wishes she could travel to. She told me that life was short and that it should be spent pursuing whatever passion we may have. I told her that for me that passion is serving Jesus and helping others. At the end of the conversation, I was reminded of a friend from college who participated in something called the World Race. I felt the familiar nudge of God stirring an idea in my heart. I looked up the race, applied, interviewed, and was accepted all in a week’s time.


So what is the World Race? The World Race is through a non profit organization called Adventures in Missions. It is an 11 month mission trip with the intention of sharing the love of Christ through tangible forms of service around the world. I will be joining a team of 21-35 year olds and going to the following countries:

Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Morocco, Ethiopia, Djibouti, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia

My trip will begin June 2019 and last 11 months. Because this is a purely volunteer trip, I will be raising the funds myself. I will not be receiving pay while I am gone for a year. The total trip cost is $19,200. Which seems insane! But this cost will cover travel, food, and sleeping accommodations for the year. I am extremely excited for this opportunity! Please pray for me as I prepare for this trip of a lifetime. Pray for the people I will come in contact with. If you do not believe in God or are not someone who prays, that’s okay too! Please follow this blog if you are just purely interested in hearing more about this journey. If you feel led to give financially, please know that your hard earned money will be going to an amazing cause that could have eternal effects. 


With love,
