As I reflect on my time in Asia, I am reminded of a story and lesson that the Lord gave me. While in Cambodia I got lice and I prayed in Jesus’ name for the lice to fall dead out of my hair and they did. I also promised God that if they did fall dead I would write a blog about it. So…here I am writing about how I was healed from lice.


I know what you’re thinking…really? Did this girl pray to Jesus for lice to come out of her hair? 

Yes. Yes I did. And it worked & now I have to right this blog. 

There are pivotal moments like this in my life where I am so overwhelmed with panic and I’m just so desperate, that my immediate response is to pray to Jesus. Also, to make promises. 


Oh, the promises I have made to God. 


I remember as a young girl promising to God that if He would just bless my family with finances and make us rich then I would be a better Christian. As a high school student I made promises to God that if the guy I liked would just like me back or ask me out than I would promise to pay better attention in church and youth group. I remember my freshmen year of college promising to God that I would never drink again and would read in my bible more if He would stop me from throwing up all night. 


Promise after promise after promise. None that I actually kept and none that actually came true.


But, this time was different. If you’ve never had lice just know it’s not the worst thing that could ever happen to you, but it’s also not the most fun thing. It’s itchy, gross, and annoying. 

Before I found out I had lice I was combing through my hair in the shower, itching my scalp, and I just had this gut feeling that it was lice. I knew this feeling too well, considering I had lice when I was in elementary school. Immediately I began to panic, crying out to God.


…why me God?

(I know I’m dramatic. Bare with me.)


So, in my desperation and not wanting to have to tell my teammates, I began praying “Jesus, if this is what I think it is…in your name Jesus I command the lice to just fall dead out of my hair.” And would you believe it as soon I ran my comb through my hair there came the dead lice. So gross. I’m sorry but not sorry because it was too cool. I couldn’t believe my eyes.


God literally spoke to these lice to die and fall out my hair and they did. 


My mind was BLOWN. 


So I just kept praying. Each time with more authority and more confidence and the lice continued to fall right out. I may be over exaggerating, but I remember it taking months to get rid of the lice I had when I was younger.


 So, huge shoutout to my healer and friend Jesus.


When your out on the field you hear of people being healed and now able to walk again or seeing for the first time. Healing prayer has been something I’ve been praying and asking God to grow me in. Even though it’s not exactly how I pictured my first healing to look like, I am grateful and here to share Gods story. 


5 takeaways from this experience: 


  1. God cares about ALL of us individually. Ever single part of our lives and every inch (including lice)
  2. He listens and hears our cry…even when the world may see it as a small thing. 
  3. He has given us authority to pray & heal in His name. YOU CAN PRAY FOR YOURSELF…it is okay. 
  4. He will give you plenty of practice instead of just throwing you into something new. 
  5. Community is so crucial! Find some amazing friends who will sit and pick knits out of your thick, wavy hair for 2+ hours daily for 2 weeks straight. [picture below]


So with that said I am now lice free! Thank you Jesus!! My prayer is that all who read this will receive how powerful, loving, and big our God is.

Peace & blessings friends, 

Alyssa O.