Our hostess at ‘The Farm’ Karen, poured into us, encouraged us, and loved us fiercely. 

Something Karen wanted us to practice was to simply sit with the Lord and consider something. 

What does that even mean you might ask? I asked the same thing! 

Well, consider the Kingdom. You see, in the Bible it says how without even knowing who God is you should be able to see him all around you. In literally anything. You can sit and consider a butterfly, a piece of grass, a gun, a chair, or even a pencil. 

I will share with you something I considered while we were on the farm. I considered something that I have used so often, something so simple, a chair. 


It’s stable: it will hold you up when needed. God will hold you up when you need him to.  


There are many different designs: everyone’s walk with the Lord looks different- WE all are different. 


It has multiple legs to support it: Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit all work to support you and if you have a relationship with just one, you’re missing support. 


There are decorations like blankets or pillows on a chair: sometimes we dress up our relationship with the Lord on the outside but on the inside, it’s just fluff. 


We use chairs to stand on: which gives us a new perspective. 


Some chairs are metal and cold, others are cushioned and warm: we aren’t always in the best place with God. We may feel cold, our hearts may be hardened; other times, we are sitting in his presence cushioned and warmed by Him. 


They also have different weight to them: If you’re willing to listen, the Lord will speak to you. Sometimes the things he tells you will be light and easy to pick up, other times it will feel heavy and hard to change the place it has in your life. 

Or you could even go another way with that and say: sometimes what the Lord is asking you to sacrifice is easy, and other times, it weighs on you if this is really the right decision.  


These are just a few things the HolySpirit showed me about our relationship through a chair.




I challenge you to consider something today! 

I’d love to hear about it if you’d like to share! Comment below, text me, or email me! 

Until next time, 




This blog was edited by Matt Kane, check out his blog here.