Honestly, I feel like I don’t have anything left. I’m tired and worn. I’ve felt like this more than ever this past week. At first, I was down and a bit frustrated that I felt like this, yet then realized that I’m in a perfect spot. A place where I stop doing things by my own strength, and God steps in and shows Himself along with all His Glory. He never called us to do things by ourself or by our own might, but many times I can forget this and try to prove that I’m “strong enough”. What a silly thing to think, because He has been my strength all along, even when I don’t realize it. 


My team & I have about a month and a half until we come home. We are all expectant and excited to return, but we have to keep being present. I know that God is going to continue to move, as He always does. I’ve seen such power-filled and heartwarming things this year, that’s only done by the Grace of God. Some days it looks like a man with Muslim faith being healed whenever Jesus is prayed over his body, other times it’s being a friend to someone who feels alone and  has prayed for that for months. Jesus’s love is like none other. This year has been long and good, and it’s not finished yet. 


Please continue to pray for my team and I as we push through and stay present for what God is going to do with our time left in South America. We’re now in Bolivia working with college students. Next month, I’ll be working with a church in Peru, then going to the jungle to help with a project there. 


I’m still fundraising and need a last little push before the end of my trip. I only have $1,700 left to go! 


Thanks for caring and faithfully praying. You are here just as much as I am. We’re in this together. For Our God, with Our God. 


Put on your Jesus muscles with me; we’ve got this, He’s got us. 


See you all so soon ?? 

