I’m gonna be a truther about this and tell ya:

Reflecting back on last month, it was one of the lowest points I’ve been in a long time. I haven’t felt this type of discouragement in six years. I let fear grow in me, and it choked my boldness and freedom that I’ve found in Jesus. 

With leaving tomorrow for Côte d’Ivoire, Africa, our first stop, I would love to say that I don’t feel scared or overwhelmed- but if I did, I’d be totally lying. (And if you know me- that stinks ‘cause I pride myself in being the fearless, adrenaline-junky) 

We all walk through tough circumstances or a situation that may spike our fear, but let me encourage you with this: What if we embraced our strength, not by not being scared or pretending as though we aren’t, but by absolutely being scared, yet taking that jump anyway? Feeling all types of fear, but still going for it regardless?

When I’m down I always listen to the song “I’ll find you” by Lecrae (and highly recommend you give it a listen if you haven’t), so as you can imagine it was on repeat last month. His lyrics have recently spoke to where my soul is at: “pain strengthens and fear drives faith”.

So to the people in the same season as me: Drive your fear, instead of letting your fear own you. Let fear fuel your faith to get to know God a little more and chase your dreams anyway. When we’re fearful we are humbly reminded that, by trusting Jesus, everything flows much better. It sounds strange, but it’s a bit exciting being a little scared because I know that I am stepping into something BIG; and I know that I am not alone, God is with me and for me. 


here’s a little picture of my parents also, since I had to say “see you later” to them today, which was TOO HARD of a “see you later” (I can’t say goodbye or my ma will be upset with me Hahahaha) 


See you in 11 months, USA!!!