J A C K I E 



“… she’s beauty and she’s grace…” This is the line that immediately popped into my head as I wrote this. Jackie is a total goofball, while also managing to be absolutely radiant and powerful. She laughs and smiles and jokes around and it LITERALLY transforms an environment. She is eager to outwardly proclaim truth in heavy situations. She is willing to partner with the Lord by coming alongside people and helping them carry their burdens. In the Bible Jesus says that his “yoke is easy and his burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). She lives in the humility of knowing that she is nothing apart from the Lord, but also in confidence of the Holy Spirit’s power inside of her. Jackie exemplifies the freedom that comes from knowing Christ and constantly living a life of surrender to him. She also likes using her hands to talk, loves talking to herself, and uses a really funny voice that makes a lot of people laugh.


I’m thankful for the way that she tangibly expresses freedom because it leads (me and) others into freedom. 


WHAT’S HER ROLE? Squad Leader. Squad leaders are with the Racers for the entirety of their nine months on the field. They’ve done either 11n11 or Gap Year once before, so they’re able to give clarity, vision, and guidance to the Racers. Essentially, they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into and what they’re giving up… and still do it. They are obedient and sacrificial. Each of them lead two or three teams, and are super intentional about forming relationships and giving spiritual/emotional guidance to people. 




What do you offer people?


I love making people laugh. I have uncontrollable joy that creates a safe space for people to be wholeheartedly who they are and where they are. Through vulnerability and intimacy, I have experienced the joy of abiding with God. I have tasted and seen the true character of the Lord which enables me to introduce people to the reality of friendship with Jesus.