1 Corinthians 14:1 says to “let love be your highest goal.” Aly is constantly working towards this goal and it’s CLEARLY reflected through her conversations and interactions. She balances the tension between grace and truth really well, and because of it, people feel deeply loved by her. Aly consistently seeks to give away the wisdom and perspective that she’s gained over the course of her 26 years of life. She doesn’t shy away from saying hard things because she values truth over ignorance, and love over flattery. Aly is a big fan of self-awareness; if people refuse to be self aware, they miss out on the individuality God has given to them. She doesn’t laugh at her own farts, hates “twinning” with people, and is a total NERD about the Myers-Briggs personality test. 


I’m thankful for the way the she stewards her influence and I’m thankful to be led by her.


STORY TIME: Four months ago, I texted Aly over Instagram and asked her if she wanted to be my mentor. She said yes, and four months later we live in the same house in Quito, Ecuador. She has chosen to invest in my life and it. is. a. gift.


WHAT’S HER ROLE? Squad Leader. Squad leaders are with the Racers for the entirety of their nine months on the field. They’ve done either 11n11 or Gap Year once before, so they’re able to give clarity, vision, and guidance to the Racers. Essentially, they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into and what they’re giving up… and still do it. They are obedient and sacrificial. Each of them lead two or three teams, and are super intentional about forming relationships and giving spiritual/emotional guidance to people. 




What do you offer people?


I hope to offer people a chance be confident in who God made them to be, as I’m confident in who I am. Growing closer to Jesus does not mean becoming more like everyone else – it means being more sure in the unique way you can reflect his image. I really want people to know that.