p h o t o b l o g s e r i e s
Radiance. Ashley seeks to plug herself wholeheartedly into every situation that she’s in. The Holy Spirit isn’t just evident in her when she talks about Jesus; He is evident in her constantly. At all times, she is seeking the Lord’s face. The result? A radiance that only comes from seeing glimpses of the Lord. Ashley doesn’t just know God; she experiences his fullness every day. The radiance she shows is an outward expression of inward transformation. The Lord’s favor rests heavily upon her in her devotion, curiosity, and hunger for more of Jesus. Radiance. Moses is a very well-known prophet in the Old Testament (and, honestly, just a really cool dude). He would go to the top of this mountain (Mount Sinai) to talk to God. When he came down from the mountain, his face SHONE (Exodus 34). Like fiery sun type of shining. People were terrified to look at him. He actually had to cover his face it was so frightening. I see this same kind of radiance in Ashley, and it comes from a deep-seeded intimacy with Jesus.
h e r g r e a t e s t d e s i r e ?
Honestly, to meet Jesus.