This past week, our ministry spent some time camping and doing VBS in a little mountain village called Apia (AH-PEE-UH). It was SO beautiful. The mountains, the water, the green, the fresh air, the light, all of it. My heart needed it way more than I thought, and the Lord spoke so much life over me during those four days. I wish I could accurately put it all into words, but I can’t.
SO – instead of words, here’s some pictures that showcase a glimpse of the beauty I experienced. Enjoy!
We call this “the community swimming pool.” Gosh, it was so beautiful. Lots of laughter. Lots of kids. Lots of joy.
Baby Hellen. Some people decided to call her Leslie because they didn’t know her name at first. She has one of the best smiles and brings an abundance of cuddles.
The “abundance of cuddles” from Hellen. These were actually some of the sweetest moments.
Kate Paulson rocking her sunnies. Thankful I get to call this woman one of my best friends. She’s wise, tender-hearted, and really trustworthy.
Sweet little faces praying before we start morning VBS.
The good pirates (5-7 year olds) doing their morning craft on Saturday, April 21st. We did a skit about David and Goliath that day.
Hershey holding her older sister’s hand during VBS. She would always wave at me and then laugh and run away. I think she’s one of the cutest humans I’ve ever seen.
Eunice sitting on Kate’s lap during VBS. Eunice is quiet, sensitive, and loves being twirled around in her dress.
This is Lucilla. She’s was on of the VBS girl’s (Paula) grandmother. When I asked her if I could take her picture, she gently touched my face and smiled. She’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.
This is Eugene Roy. He loves climbing trees, and I got to take a picture of him doing it during golden hour. Beauty.
This woman’s name… I can’t remember it. It started with an A. She was kind enough to let me capture her working hard and serving her family by washing their laundry in the river.
This little man decided to take a little swim while his mom, Irish, watched him nearby.
My friend Lizzie and I went down to the river to capture some golden hour moments one day after VBS. This woman – whose name I cannot remember for the life of me (it started with an M) – didn’t care that I was disrupting her bathing time and called me over to talk to me. She was so kind, so friendly, and SO beautiful.
I have MAD RESPECT for these women. Washing machines don’t exist for a majority of Filipinas – which means they do it with their hands. The girl pictured here was 18 years old.
To wrap it all up – a picture of Baby Hellen being her joyful self and photo bombing a group picture. I think everyone can learn about childlikeness from Hellen.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, friends! Mini update: I leave tonight for a week trip to camp on the beach and do VBS. Pray for freedom, time with Jesus, and perspective. Honestly, just pray that I know Jesus more because of it. Sending lots of love from Manila.