The past week and for the next month and a half my team and two other teams are living together at Casa Blanca in Quito. The community vibe is so great. A couple nights a week we do some worship, and on Thursday night we played the song Wonder by Bethel. And it’s now one of my very favorites songs.


I don’t want to ever loose my wonder. Never do I want to look into the world and not want more of it. Never do I want to look at a person and not want to know them deeper. Never do I want to look to Lord and not want to know Him more. I want to look at things the way a child does. Seeing beauty in the not so beautiful things. Finding joy in the not so joyful things. I’m currently sitting on our roof at ministry that overlooks the mountains, I recently just spent a week in Baños (aka one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been), I’m from a state with the most beautiful sunsets (which by the way, I still haven’t seen one here in Ecuador as good as ours in Nebraska), I’m friends with incredible people who live like Jesus, I’ve had incredible experiences. I’m fascinated with the Lord and His craftsmanship. I never want to look at His creation or His people and not feel joy or see beauty. All His ways are beautiful, and I never want to forget that.


Lord, I pray that you would fill me with wonder. Wonder to know You more. Wonder to see You in different ways. Wonder to hear you in different ways. Give me the eyes of a child when I look to you God. Give me the passion to know people deeply. I want to see people the way You see them. Open my heart and eyes to you Lord. I want to forever stand in awe of Your creation. You fascinate me God. You’re a homie. 


“May we never loose our wonder, wide eyed and mystified, may we be just like a child, staring at the beauty of our King.”


Here’s the link to the song, go give it a listen.


Peace Out Homies
