Hello there friends,

I’m Alyssa and I really love coffee, longboarding, and people. Not much of a fan of The Office. sorry bout that. Obviously a huge fan of Nebraska football though, as I am from Lincoln. Growing up, I always had the dream to travel. Come my 16th year of life, God transformed that desire to just simply travel, to instead see the nations come to Him. So, I did Gap Year straight out of high school instead of college. That choice has led me down a really incredible path of growth, intimacy with God, and being fortunate enough to travel quite a bit. When I chose to opt out of a full-time formal education, I opted into learning by humanity itself and wowza have I learned a lot. I will never stop learning either. I’m too curious of a person for that. Now, here I am 21, seeking out long term missions rather than a career in the States and I am stoked about that. I want you to be involved in all of this too, so I encourage you to subscribe to my blog. It’ll keep you up to date on what I’m doing and I love to share my thoughts so you’ll get to read those too. 

Stay around now, okay?