Been in Australia working with local churches has been so cool to be apart of. We have been serving in new ways everyday.

We served at a nursing home, at all the churches we’ve been living at for their Sunday service and events, and at a rehab center that’s deep in the country, away from society. 
But every time we serve we get blessed, with morning tea, a meal, and we basically have an adventure of some sort everyday, like jetty jumping, climbing a up a trail to a mountain top, swimming in the ocean. That doesn’t sound like it should be a ‘but.’
It’s just I never thought I’d be this blessed while serving. It’s something I’m getting used too. 
In so many different ways our squad has been beyond blessed and it feels surreal.
Sometimes I even feel guilty for having so much fun. But I quickly realized that as much as we love to serve well, the people we’re serving want to serve us back by blessing us. 
So yeah it’s been great serving here. 
Also been learning new things. Like washing clothes by hand and trying to dry them while it’s pouring rain. Learning to throw out the American nonstop schedule of having everyday planed out. And it feels good to truly only worry about one day at a time. Learning how to cultivate the relationships on my team. It’s been a really sweet few weeks here! We only have a few more days here in Australia and then we’ll be traveling to Indonesia on February 5th.