Over one year ago I moved back to Winona, MN in preparation for the adventure that I am halfway done with. It seems like a lifetime ago. But as I left the continent of Africa and planted my feet in Europe I reflected on the decisions that brought me to this point; from the decision to apply to the Race, to taking a job at WinCraft, to what I packed, I realized that the decision of choosing Jesus is the only one that really mattered. That is living in daily communication with the One, the lover of my soul. Choosing Him over my flesh, because what the Spirit wants is contrary to the flesh. Choosing to be obedient when it doesn’t seem like it is the best decision at the time or it seems scary and unknown. But I’ve stood in Asia, Africa, and Europe and I say without a shadow of a doubt that choosing Jesus is the best decision I have ever made. Not the World Race, not having ice cream for lunch, not taking a shower after 10 days, no, the best decision I have ever made is choosing Jesus. Choosing to accept the gift, the love, not just one time but each and every day.

     The Devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. I believed that when I chose Jesus I had to live with nothing. While it is true that we are to give up everything to go and follow Him, He returns and gives us life and life abundantly. With Him living in me my life has been so abundantly joyful, hopeful, and fun; the Devil speaks to me in lies saying that I don’t deserve the life I have been living. So, I lived in guilt with the things or gifts the Lord has given me. But God has a feast prepared for His children! And where was I? Outside eating out of the trash. Because I was lied to and I believed it. The Devil stole this feast from me and has told me that what I deserve is the filth and the trash. What does that do to God? He has invited me over to feast with Him; when He sees me eating out the trash is He angry with me? No. He is grieved to see His child out there. Me, the child that He has adopted and has told no longer has to eat out of the trash goes back to it because I didn’t understand the inheritance I now have. I can feast with God! Why do I choose to eat trash? Why do I want to? Sin is the trash. There is so much more that God offers than the trash I think I like. When I put down the trash and see what the Lord has in store for me why would I ever choose the back alley ever again?!

     Choose Jesus! Choose to eat at the feast that is prepared for you; don’t stop short of what is waiting for you to see what is in the trash bins.