I want to expand a little about WHY I am taking this leap of faith next year. As I’ve talked to people about my plans and explain the little knowledge I have of WHAT I am going to be doing along the way, I get a little side tracked in the WHERE I’ll be and WHO I’ll be with. Yes, I am traveling around the world, I am going to see and experience so much it can get overwhelming just talking about it! Now, after I am exhausted explaining the who, what, where, when, and how I forget to talk about the WHY!! The most important piece of the adventure. Why am I doing this and why should you support me?
The answer to the first part of this question is this: I am going because I was called. I believe God asked me to do this for Him. To give up my expectations of my future and turn my life over to Him. I am being asked to trust Him completely, in literally all aspects of my life; financially, emotionally, occupationally, spiritually, physically. I am able to do that because of His mercy and love. A trust that His ways are better than my ways and that God is good.
To declare something means to make known formally; to state forcefully. I have been given an opportunity to formally and forcefully (boldly) make know my utmost dependance on God. I declare my faith in Him alone;
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God, He is my mighty rock, my refuge.” – Psalm 62:5-7
Sometimes, I put God in a box. I only ask Him for small things; things I think He might actually do. Like asking for peace of mind when I am getting stressed about a situation. I have never had to ask Him to provide for me in ways I know I couldn’t do alone. In order to go on this trip I have to raise over $16,000. (That is more money than I made year last year…) This money will go towards my food, lodging and transportaion during my 11-months. As I take this step of faith in opening the box I put God in would you be willing to support my mission and donate? All you have to do is click on the ‘Support Me!’ button on the left side of this page. If you are unable to donate at this time but would like to be involved you can subscribe to my page and you will be notified when I update my blog! I also ask that you continue to pray for me and the adventure He is guiding me through.