According to the CIA, the kingdom of Thailand, known as Siam until 1939, is the only country in the region not colonized by Europe. Their 2000 census showed that 94.6% of the population is Buddhist, 4.6% are Muslim, and 0.7% are Christian. Approximately 600,000 people live with HIV/AIDS in Thailand. With nearly two million people estimated to be forced into prostitution, it has become one of the most popular places for sex tourism. Change lives in the city-where you, like Jesus, might befriend prostitutes-or in the countryside-where you may serve youth, care for orphans, and encourage a remnant of believers.

Cambodia houses one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat, a Hindu temple and monastery built during the Khmer empire in the 12th century. It later became a Buddhist complex a century later, and today, just over 96% of Cambodia is Buddhist. Almost 30 years ago, 1.5 million Cambodians died at the hands of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime. Today, Cambodia is a source, transit point, and destination of human trafficking. Unfortunately, the government is struggling to stop it. The people of Cambodia are thirsty for the hope you can bring.

After nearly a century of French rule, in the mid-20th century, Vietnam split into communist (north) and non-communist (south) halves. Vietnam was united but as a communist country. Even with the economic reforms and restoration of diplomatic ties, human rights are limited in Vietnam, especially freedom of religion; most of Vietnam is Buddhist, less than 10% is Catholic. Laos shares French rule/influence and shift towards communism with Vietnam. Therevada Buddhism dominates Laos with Christian missionary work monitored by government. Either country has a lot to offer gastronomically and geographically; you have much of Christ’s love and light to shine.

Tanzania has a one-third split between Christianity, Islam, and indigenous religious groups. This diversity creates a colorful landscape of people and beliefs. Whether you are doing open-air crusades, door-to-door evangelism or visiting hospitals and orphanages the people of this diverse country will capture your heart.

One of the most beautiful countries in the African continent, Mozambique is a favorite location of World Racers for a variety of reasons: the people, the landscape, the ministry partnerships, the miracles that this country has seen, and more. The former Portuguese colony is seeing signs of redemption and economic recovery; because of, or in spite of, the extreme poverty gripping the nation, the church grows. You will teach, preach, and practice "true religion" with widows and orphans while you grow in your identity in Christ. One of your most interesting travel "days" may happen here.

The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people and breathtaking scenic views, it's also where the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rate lives (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It's estimated that by 2050, Swaziland may cease to exist. Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation in desperate need of attention. For years, Adventures has been committed to seeing these statistics reversed. Here, you’ll most likely find yourself involved in a variety of outreaches, including education, orphan care, care point feedings, and more.

Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. The more affluent neighbor to Haiti (though generally it isn't too affluent), the D.R. is home to 9 million people. The Dominican culture is lively, vibrant, warm; however, the culture struggles with problems like hypersexualization and alcoholism. After the earthquake on January 12 in Haiti, the D.R. quickly became refuge to thousands who were displaced. This month, you'll serve at orphanages, refugee camps, and more; you'll partner with local churches, pastors, even Adventures in Missions' own full-time missionaries.

Haiti was hit with a life-altering earthquake on January 12, 2010. The nation's still in shambles, the church is rising up. Haiti is experiencing a spiritual revival right now like it has never before seen. Communities are turning to pastors for leadership, and the local church is becoming the driving force behind Haiti's ongoing rebirth. This month, you'll help with relief efforts, establish connections with local pastors, help people rebuild their lives through meeting felt needs, and more. Come ready to serve; come ready to be blessed.

Once a part of Romania, this former Soviet republic declared independence in 1991. Moldova, one of the poorest European countries, is riddled with a high underground crime rate. This country is vulnerable as a transit point of human trafficking. The main language spoken is Romanian (also called Moldovan) but there's debate as to what the Moldovan ethnicity is exactly. We need people who will bring kingdom clarity and declare the peace of God over a land filled with confusion and chaos.

The northern regions of Romania are home to the gypsy community. Though strangers in their homeland and forgotten by society, the gypsies are a strong and vibrant people who embrace the light of Christ in an inspirational way. Here, you will teach English, lead sports camps, live life with the gypsies, and more. It will be an exciting time of learning about a people group you may not have known even existed.

Ireland boasts a heritage of Christianity through Catholicism. Yet the lifeless display of faith reveals that this nation is farther from God than ever. Rampant alcoholism and suicide rates reveal a desperate need for hope. Through sports, children's outreach, street evangelism, pub ministry, and the relationships that just happen along the way, the World Race reintroduces a life-giving faith to this beautiful, historic culture.