Hey Friends,
I am starting my first Fundraiser! I am super excited about it and to see how God will provide through this Fundraiser. It is called Threads of Hope which is a ministry in the Philippines. Families will make these bracelets and the missionary Alex sends them to the United States for people to sell. For most families this is their only source ofincome, and many families have had to resort to selling their children into prostitution in order to survive. Threads of Hope partners with many different ministries and missionaries all over the world as well as with me. For each bracelet I sell, 50% will go back to the Philippines and to the families that have worked so hard to make these amazing bracelets. The other 50% goes toward my fundraising for the World Race! Let me know if you want to buy some or if you want to help me sell them! Threads of Hope is a great ministry and I am honored to be partnering with them. Love.