1. Held a sleeping baby
2. taken bucket showers
3. learned 2 cords on guitar
4. grocery shopped for my entire team by myself
5. prayed over an old lady who has been hearing voices
6. sang and danced on a stage in front of a dominican church service
7. held little girls hands
8. screamed because of Cockroaches
9. worshipped, and worshiped, and worshipped some more
10. made a friend, leo the lizard
11. Took Joy in seeing my teammates servanthood
12. sipped on some Dominican Coffee( no withdrawal yet)
13. got reprimanded by my translator Hector for not using the Spanish I know more often which resulted in him never talking to me in English anymore
14.had a movie night with our pastor and cuddled his baby
15. hand washed clothes in a bucket
16. spent 7 hours in an airport waiting for the rest of our squad to land
17. had a dance party in the airport and had some dominicans join in
18. Went to a beautiful beach and floated in the ocean for hours
19. Been affirmed by my teammates
20. Celebrated every time someone finally had a bowel movement
21. Been stretched and growing
22. Not known whether the lines on your feet are dirt lines or Chaco tan lines, even after you scrub your feet
23. mopped a floor but not really cause my feet were so dirty
24. Eaten at BON( DR alliance team be jealous)
25. have gotten too many bug bites to count
26. Prayer walked the city
God has been so good to my team and I. We are staying in a house with unlimited supply of water, and right down the street there is a place to get clean drinking water. The house has beds! and a stove and refrigerator. Which was so much more than I was expecting. We have been blessed this month to be living here and enjoying every little thing about this house for we know it will not always be this way. Our ministry has been slow, with quite a bit of down time, although it is frustrating at times because we want to be out ministering, we also feel that God gave us this down time to grow as a team and that God is preparing us for something huge. When we do go to our ministry, we are picked up by Pastor Nivine and Hector our wonderful translator. They are such a blessing and the 40 minute out back trip to the church is beautiful and such a breath of fresh air. When we go to our ministry, we spend time in worship. The loud music lets people know that church is starting. Mainly its children who flock into the church doors and sit beside us. And on occasion a goat trying to flee from the rain. We sing songs with them and play games and also give a short message. Pastor Nivine a lot of times will tell you that he wants (someones name) to give the message today, about 15 minutes before you have to give it. We have also been able to go out to evangelize as well as pray for healing. These last couple of weeks have been exactly what we have needed and is all a part of God's plan for our team. It is not just coincidence that the rain comes right when Nivine is supposed to pick us up or that he is dealing with problems at his other job. Everything in his perfect timing……