It may not seem comfortable to you but living in a house with a cat chasing a mouse in our roof, a squatty potty, pigs the size of cows grunting, chickens running around, mangy dogs, and Thai parents who don't speak any English is comfort to me. As I walk from house to house seeing my teammates, teaching English in an Elementary school, riding a bike to the nearest cafe, or 7- 11 , I feel loved and I feel comfort. I am currently staying in a house, that is more like a farm with one of my teammates Jaclyn and with the rest of my teammates just a short walk away. Here I have experienced God's love like never before. For the longest time God has been just longing for me to let Him love me and be my greatest love and comforter. In this little Thai village I was able to open up my heart and totally surrender to His love. It happened of all places.. in the bathroom. It was 2 am and I had just begun the series of throwing up that would last 7 hours in a squatty potty. Many of my teammates had gotten the same sickness and it was now my turn. As i laid out a towel on the bathroom floor so I could just sit there instead of having to keep running to the bathroom I experienced Gods love and comfort like never before. When sitting in-between throwing up I just prayed, I prayed for comfort, I prayed for my team, the village I was in and my family back home. I prayed for 7 hours straight. God gave me the strength to take an opportunity like being sick and using it to glorify Him and to draw close to Him. No matter how old you get you always want you mom when your sick but not this time, God whispered to me that He wanted to be my greatest comfort and He wanted to be there with me to rub my back and to just sit and talk with me. I could feel Gods presence and He wrapped me up in His love and for the first time I accepted that love fully.God's love is greater than any other love, His comfort is greater than any other comfort. I have heard those words a million times but I had never quite grasped and soaked them in like I do now ever since that night in the bathroom. God is comfort and love anytime,anywhere. When I am missing my family, He is there. When I want a comfy bed and pillow, He is there. When everything is changing, He is a constant.His love and comfort is better than any person or any thing. Let that soak in today, the intimacy God longs to have with you and the comfort only He can provide. He already loves deep for you, all you have to do is let Him.�

Some good tunes about The Father's love for us:
Come away, United Pursuit band. � � Even now,United Pursuit Band
Some great reads: psalm 23, John 15:13