I never would have guessed that:
- There would be a month on the Race where I get my own room with my own bathroom! That a mirror, hot shower and wifi would be available to me daily.
- I could walk to Subway, KFC, Pizza Hut or Burger King if I wanted, but never actually go to any of them.
- I would choose the cheap, authentic street food over the pricy American food.
- I would have a morning routine that included walking to my favorite bakery to sit, drink coffee and look over the park.
- My ministry for the month would consist of meeting people in bars, coffee shops and parks and simply talking to them for hours.
- The Vietnamese would be the friendliest people I have met thus far on the Race.
- You can meet someone in the park who wants you to pay them to paint your nails, and end up having lunch with them two days in a row.
- I would be jealous of the teams that had to travel far away for ministry, because they get to live in cold weather for the month.
- The most closed country on our race would be the one with the most Christmas decorations.
- I would be moved to tears by sitting in an English speaking church, with a Christmas tree, listening to Oh Holy Night.
- Crossing the street would be my favorite daily game.
- The scariest thing to see on the street would be a white person driving a moped.
- The largest city I have lived in thus far (Ho Chi Minh) would be where I get the most alone time.
- The only time I care enough to get up and actually do something about the mouse in my room is when it climbs on my bed.
- After a year and 3 months, the Lord would help me raise $15,500 to be fully funded on the World Race!!!!!