"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Last week, in the middle of Thailand, I flipped to the verse above. I have read it hundreds, possibly thousands of times, I love it. It has brought life to me for years. It has directed me towards the goals that Christ laid out for us and it always points me back to the fact that Jesus promised to never leave us or forsake us. I always looked at the part about going into all the world to make disciples as a my mission, my calling, very personal and very real. I still believe this is true for my life, but last week I flipped open to this verse once again and the Lord spoke in a very new and very real way. 


He asked me a question that I was not expecting. He asked me if I would be ok if my disciples from all nations, were actually just from America. If I was willing to let go of my original plans for my World Race, to see and raise up disciples in eleven different countries. It took me a second, but I said yes to the Lord.


I said yes, I was willing to let my discipling look different than I had planned or expected it to when I signed up a year ago. He said, "Good", and then gave me a picture. 


The picture was a light, a single star for lack of a better word, and I knew it was me. I was in the center of a circle, but coming out from me were strings that started to light up as the picture zoomed out. The strings of light lit up new stars around me, a circle of stars now surrounded me. Then those stars had strings of light that lit up other, new starts around them. It was a cascade of light, a web reaching from one person to the next, spreading and spreading light into the nations. 


God was showing a beautiful picture of what would happen if I let go of my original plans, my way of fulfilling the great commission. Submitting to his design would spread more light than my plan ever could.


Two days later, I got a phone call that revealed why He had asked me that question. I was asked to be a new squad leader. The question didn't surprise me, the Lord has told me through different people that it was coming. Even though I wasn't surprised, I still hit my bed in prayers and tears, asking the Lord if this was a job I could do. The task of being one of the spiritual leaders for a squad of 53 was slightly daunting and fear rose in my soul. It wasn't until I asked him "Why me? What do you see in me?" that peace returned. He answered with such sweet clarity, "You hear my voice." 


That was the end. That was the end to the fear of changing into higher leadership, questions about whether or not I was fully equipped and ready for the task ahead. His voice silenced other voices in that moment, I knew that hearing His voice was going to be enough to guide me.


So now, I am sitting in Malaysia as one of the three new squad leaders for F squad. My other squad leaders are Lizi Clem and Steven Gnerlich, they are both amazing! My original team, Earth Like Heaven, is now slightly scattered, helping form new teams. Every team from F squad changed in some way and most of the squad is just now starting to settle into these new teams and into ministry in Malaysia. Even though the last few days have been challenging, announcing new squad leaders, new team leaders and new teams, the Lord is showing himself faithful to F squad once again. All the teams have made it safely to Malaysia and simply speaking for myself and the teams I am staying with, we love it here! 


Being a squad leader is a lot more involved than I can describe in a blog, but it will entail a lot of discipling of the team leaders and squad, interceding for them and asking the Lord what steps are next for the squad. We as squad leaders will travel from team to team periodically to help pour into each member and will also be responsible for a lot of the logistical side of ministry and debriefs.

As soon as Steven, Lizi and I met for the first time to discuss where the Lord was taking the squad and what He had been putting on each of our hearts, I felt fully empowered in my new leadership position. I felt excitement and anticipation, knowing fully that these visions for F squad were coming straight from the Father.


I am excited about squad leading, it is an opportunity to see the Lord work in amazing ways. It will be different and will take some getting used to, not doing the same kind of daily ministry that I am now used to, but I know this is were I am supposed to be. I appreciate each one of you that has been praying for me and supporting me, your prayers mean more to me than I can say! Please continue to pray for F squad in the middle of this transition time. Pray for myself, Lizi and Steven as we beginning to walk as the new squad leaders, seeking the Lord for direction and guidance. We know He wants to pour out His spirit over F squad, and we are eagerly seeking and anticipating it!

Many blessings and much love! -Alyssa