In 15 short days, I will be at training camp with my squad. In 98 days, I will be en route to country #1, Dominican Republic.

I am in disbelief. I am nervous. But mostly, my heart is racing with excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead! 

There is still work to be done. However, I’m not overwhelmed like I was once. Now, I am hopeful and completely at peace. The Lord has sustained, carried, and blessed me countless times over the past year of fundraising and preparation.

The one thing that I cannot get over is that I have been given and entrusted with about $9,000 so far in funds from other people. This fact alone has my mind completely blown! As one of my sweet squadmates said, those who support financially are trusting me with this calling that I am following. You are trusting that I am going to go and share the Good News in foreign lands. To all my supporters: You have my word. I will not let you down. Thank you for your trust! It is that trust that has propelled me onward. I am so blessed by my monthly donors whose gifts range from $4 to $75. These amounts add up so quickly and have been sown with such love! I am humbled also by friends from days past who have clearly heard an amount from God and given so generously. 

As I mentioned, I am very close to reaching $9,000. The total cost is $17,562, so my remaining balance at this moment is $8,569. That is like pocket change to my God who provides. Over the past week, I have seen Him do incredible things, providing in ways that only He can! not only for myself, but for friends. I have had such interesting conversations that have reminded me over and over again that He already knows where this $8569 will come from. This stirring in my spirit that won’t leave is telling me that big things are coming. That this is really happening. 

So I just have one favor to ask of you: Will you trust me?

If you believe in me and trust me with the task our God has assigned me, would you share my ministry with those closest to you? Will you pray for the Lord to continue to provide financially as I move forward to training camp and launching into the nations? Will you also pray for my squad, for the souls with whom we will come into contact, and for our families as we go? 

You can count on me, friends and family. This is really happening, and I need your trust.