She captured my attention the second we walked through the door of Pastor Ramon’s house as she sat in the corner alone, thumbing through her Bible. Her name was Martina, and my teammates had met her during our door-to-door prayer ministry earlier that afternoon. As they told me about her life, I was drawn to her. I kept looking over at her, and every time I did, our eyes would meet.

My teammates told me that Martina had been hit by a car a few years ago. She still had metal shrapnel in her face and in her thigh. But she had so much joy, and the love of Christ simply emanated from her as she sat in a little plastic chair, a huge grin overtaking her face.

Once I knew her whole story, I felt the Lord nudge me and say, “Hug her.”
Even though I felt super weird just walking up to a lady I’d never met and hugging her, I did it.

She embraced me with open arms.

It was the longest hug of my life and we had never spoken before. Her embrace was as warm as a hug from my mom or sister. I giggled nervously as the hug continued, but it was not awkward at all. She giggled too as she embraced me tighter.

We were clearly sisters and we both knew it.

There was an empty chair next to Martina, and she tapped it with her hand, inviting me to sit with her. She grabbed my hand and smiled at me as we sat together. Then she asked me to sing her a song. At first I was not sure what she was even saying, so my teammate Gennesis joined me to help me communicate with her, translating between Martina and me.

I was overtaken with insecurity and doubts in that moment. Me? Sing a song?! I can’t sing. What would I even sing if I did? My whole team is sitting here and will most certainly laugh if I bust out in a solo over here.

Martina sensed my anxiety and decided to sing for me instead. She sang a really beautiful song that she had written. Then she sang another. And another.

Just when I thought I was off the hook, she asked me to sing again.
Nervously, Gennesis and I sang an off-key but heartfelt “Amazing Grace” to this precious woman.

She loved it, and once we sang, she began to tell us more of her story over coffee, which she tossed back in one swig. We talked until it was time for my team to leave, and even then, I did not want to leave. I was captivated by her kind, gentle, and accepting presence, and I just wanted to sit and listen to Martina’s original songs all day.

With Gennesis’s help, I told Martina that I was so glad we had met, and that we would always be sisters. We hugged once more, took a photo together, and said, “Adios,” as many times as possible as I walked out the door of the house.

Over the past week, one of my teammates has been encouraging me to use my voice more. To be brave and sure of what I have to offer and say to others, and to know that I have the power to bring life when I use my voice. Meeting Martina just days after hearing that encouragement from my teammate was no coincidence. I believe the Lord sent Martina to me to remind me of what He was already using others to sow into me, so that is what I feel led to do for you, dear reader.

Never hold back your voice. We have the power to speak life, hope, and love to those around us, so we should not be ashamed of how we will sound. As long as we are being led by our Dad, we have Holy Spirit power amplifying our voices to this lost and broken world.

2 Timothy 1:7 sums it up so well: “For God gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

I am thankful for God’s daily reminders to me of His love through His people here in Dominican Republic. He has given me many new brothers and sisters who have guided me to feel more comfortable in His image. I’m praying that everyone finds their “Martina.” When you do, embrace her, sit with her, and use your voice.