Well, I did it. I went to World Race training camp! It was the craziest, most difficult, but also most amazing ten days I’ve ever experienced. There is a lot of ground to cover in sharing about my time there, but I don’t want to spoil training camp for any future Racers who might come across my posts!

I have decided that the people, lessons, and experiences of camp are the most important aspects of these special days. I will share a little about what we ate, where we slept, and all of that, but currently, my heart is in full remembrance of the amazing humans our Dad brought my way.

I met so many incredible Kingdom shakers who inspired and spurred me on to greater things. As I began to create a list of the blessed encounters, I realized I could (and probably should) write a book! So here is just a taste of the goodness. These people are shining examples of the Father’s love and heart, and I get teary-eyed at just the thought of my time with each of them.

My Brothers & Sisters
As I approached the camp site, I began putting faces to names. We are all Facebook friends and chat quite frequently through a messaging app, so I knew each person as I hugged them.
Well, here we are, this is really happening and we are actually together, I thought nervously as I began to set up my tent. As our days together grew in number, so did our bond in strength.

We are 42 individuals with very different jobs, families, lives, and interests, but we are all unified in our mission. This mission makes us family, and we learned how to work and live together, care for one another, and pray life into each other’s hearts. They have seen me in all forms already, and they still want to be all in with me. They grab my hand, embrace me tightly, call me out lovingly when I need correcting, and encourage me when I feel like I can’t go on. I met them two weeks ago, but they are my people. My tribe. My squad. My brothers and sisters.

The Fellow Canadian
We ended up at the same table because there was no space anywhere else, but I know the Lord orchestrated our seating arrangement. Nothing at training camp is just a cute coincidence.  As she sat down across from me, I noticed her shirt that paid homage to my home country of Canada. Bright red with a white maple leaf and the famous Canadian vernacular: “Eh?” We talked about Canada and how great it is, but our small talk got deeper.

Compellingly beautiful and completely unique, she spoke with bold confidence that drew me in as we talked about our lives, interests, and passions over chicken fried rice from a shared plastic bowl. She will be serving with another squad with a completely different route of countries from my own, so we probably would have never crossed paths if not for being a few minutes late to lunch that day. An outpour of encouragement came from her, and it was more nourishing to me than that cold fried rice.

The Worthy Beauty
We leaned over a plastic table in the chilly dining tent as I “tattooed” her arm with a ballpoint pen. As I scribbled the word “worthy” on her, she looked at me and asked, “Why do you want to write this word on me?” Something as silly and trivial as doodling on your friend a la 6th grade suddenly took on new, deeper meaning to me.

I waited a few seconds before responding and kept working on my artwork. “Because… this word comes to mind every time I see you. And you have made me feel totally valued and seen,” I finally said, choking back tears. This gorgeous, vivacious, witty sister of mine who struggled to see those qualities in herself, but was so quick to ensure that everyone around her saw the best in themselves.

Every time she looked at me, she made sure to lock eyes with mine and smile until I smiled too. I saw Christ in her beautiful face every time. She held my hand and guided me out of a moment of complete pain. I pray she feels bombarded with how much our Father cherishes her. She is so worth loving.  

The Leading Lady
I could smell her sweet perfume even when we were standing next to a smoky, avidly burning campfire. That fragrant aroma follows her everywhere she goes, and to me, is representative of her comforting and overwhelming presence. She is soft and compassionate, but also strong and courageous in who she is and what she believes.

As I stood next to her, staring into the blazing fire on the coldest night, it wasn’t just the fire that was warming me, but this leading lady’s presence. Everything I see in her, I desire for myself. She leads elegantly and boldly. She walks wholly in Holy Spirit’s transformative power and grace everywhere her feet take her. She looks at me and I have to tell her everything I am thinking and feeling, yet she doesn’t judge me. She just embraces me. To follow her as a leader in this journey is a great blessing from the Father.

The Other Squad
Everything they did was magic and we all secretly wanted to be them. They are the definition of “squad goals.” Even their method for drying dishes when they were on dish duty was perfection. Their cool factor exceeded their dish skills, though, and I got to experience true community with them in the hours after training camp.

When I left training camp, I drove to Kroger for snacks and coffee. As I stood in line at Starbucks, I scanned the seating area and saw them. Some members of The Squad of squads, hanging out, having coffee. I walked over and introduced myself, and immediately felt like I was among brothers and sisters. We talked and laughed for a few hours, and as we were leaving, one of the girls began to pray for me. We locked eyes and smiled as she told me what our Father was telling her to share with me. In the middle of Kroger. I felt more people join our prayer and looked up to find myself surrounded by my new friends. My cup was overflowing, so I asked to pray for them as well. We formed a circle, all holding hands in the middle of this tiny seating area, and I was blessed out of my socks!

This amazing run-in confirmed what I already knew; as believers, we are all one family, with one purpose, and we are called to love and stand for one another. I count it a tremendous blessing to be on the field simultaneously with these beautiful souls.


Over the last four days of being back from training camp, as I reflect and process, these humans are the ones who infiltrate my thoughts. The Father revealed so much of His character to me in new ways this week, and a major medium was through His children. I have been reminded that this is not just my story. I am one small part of a bigger picture that is being expressed, sung, spoken, prayed, and danced out, creating a beautiful tapestry of grace across the nations of this world. 

These are the people I met at training camp, but I know the Lord has divine encounters just like these in place for each of us every day, no matter where we are. My prayer is that I keep my eyes open for the people He has in my path even on the most mundane of days. Our unity and relatibility to others can bring peace, joy, and unexpected blessings!