I’m Alyssa Jamie Raymer, known to most as Alyssa; my family as Lissie; my BFF as Lyss; my coworkers as AJ or AlyssaJRay. Take your pick! 

Born into this world to a Canadian dad and an American mom in Toronto, but I did all of my growing up in sweet little Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, which is where I am currently living. I love the South and how I can make a friend anywhere I go! 

I did a little wandering after high school to college in Greenville, SC, at North Greenville University. Following college was an internship in Atlanta, GA, at Catalyst, a leadership conference. Shortly after leaving Atlanta, I spent time back in my motherland of Canada when my sweet nephew was born. About two years ago, I felt God leading me back to Myrtle Beach, despite my best efforts to be anywhere but here. I never really imagined that I would be in back in this city, but God has this wonderful way of taking everything I ever imagined for myself and throwing it out.

I am 26 years old, quiet until I feel too comfortable around you (then all bets are off), left handed, crafty, a little too sassy for my own good, and dangerously addicted to coffee and chocolate. I love road trips, seeing movies, going to concerts and music festivals, and creating things with my hands. 

I work at this cute place called “random.” It’s a rad little boutique that a friend of mine owns, and I love spending my days getting to know customers and working with pretty clothes! Also, I have a little side business of creating chalkboard signs and invitations for weddings and other special events. 

Even though I love where God has me right now and am so blessed by everyone and every aspect of my life, I have been craving more. Ever since my first mission trip to Ukraine as a teenager, I have always had this love and tender spot in my heart for international missions, but it just kind of decided to kick its way to the forefront of my every thought recently. So much so that I couldn’t seem to put it to rest, so after talking to God about it, the World Race just sort of happened! And I am so glad that it is my next step!