There was a time, about a month ago, when I was very uncertain about my future with the World Race. For months, I had been talking with the Lord about switching routes. I know, crazy talk! My beautiful all-Asia route was my calling, it was my place. How could I give it up?! That’s what I argued about with God. I’m pretty stubborn because yes, you read that correctly. I talked back to God. About two months ago, I finally said, “Alright, I’ll do this!” And I applied for an incredible new route that was set to launch in January 2016. It was a more competitive route that worked primarily in closed countries, and it actually scared the crud out of me to go for it. I wasn’t really sure where He was taking me or if I would be chosen for this specific route, but I stepped out in confidence that He knew what was ahead. 

In the waiting time, I struggled daily, feeling sick over giving up my route that I had planned for and dreamed of for over 9 months. But I knew I had to trust Him completely, even when it meant obeying a calling that scared me. It was a long three weeks of waiting to hear if I’d been accepted. Then, one morning, I was meeting my friend at the beach for the sunrise. When I woke up in the dark of the early morning, He told me, “Today is the day you will know. Put on your World Race hat and shirt proudly and get to the beach.” 

I concealed my bedhead in a messy ponytail pulled through my World Race baseball cap and threw on my t-shirt with the verse, “Let us run the race marked out before us with perseverance.” I met my friend at the beach and kind of just sat there, waiting for the next sign. It was a cloudy morning, and we laughed at the fact that we’d gotten up for a cloudy sunrise. As I settled in to reading my Bible, I looked up to the coolest cloud/sun combination. The world map formed in the clouds with the sun rising behind them. “You WILL take the Gospel to many nations,” He whispered to me. 
“WHICH ONES?!” I rebutted in my sassy way.
“Just wait,” He said.

Later that day, my phone rang and it was Adventures in Missions. My heart started beating out of my chest. I wimped out and didn’t answer. When I had myself together, I called them back. 

I had not been selected for the special route I’d given up my other route to pursue, but I could choose from a few other routes that also launch in January. My heart sank. I tried to sound as optimistic as I could throughout the rest of my conversation with the sweet girl who had to break the news to me. When I hung up, I thought, “Well, I guess I’m not doing the Race.”
Then the Lord said, “Hellooo, do you remember our morning? You are. Look at the routes. There’s something there for you.”

That morning at the beach, I found myself disappointed that it was overcast until He showed me something beautiful despite the clouds. That afternoon, I was disappointed in my conversation until He reminded me of His purposes for my life. Even though it took setbacks and big disappointments, I now know where I’m going and I know that He will continue to reveal next steps to me as I need them, in His timing.

Just as He told me that cloudy morning at the beach, I will take His love to many nations. I will be living and serving in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Costa Rica, Panama, South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and my heart is overwhelmed! 

Never underestimate the glory and beauty of a cloudy sunrise. You can’t see all that you hoped for right away, but in time, the light comes through just when you need it most.




I am encouraged, excited, and amazed at what is ahead in this beautiful journey! There are many parts to it, including fundraising. Currently, I am just about halfway to my final goal! It would be an honor to have each of you join me in this adventure, whether that be through prayer (most important!), giving financially, or subscribing to this blog to keep up with me over this next year.