To be completely honest, I have been fighting a giant battle against bitterness and despair. Those words might sound awfully melodramatic, but I’m just keeping it real. Maybe that is because most of the time, I feel basically alone as I prepare for a journey that seems absolutely insane to most people. I have done my best to not throw this on everyone because my goal is not to pressure every person I’ve ever met into just giving me money. My goal has been to show that my heart is pure, my motives sincere, my mission clear, and that I am ACTUALLY GOING THROUGH WITH THIS RACE. My goal has been to allow others to be a part of this journey with me if they so choose. I have not made phone calls, house visits, or singled anyone out to squeeze whatever cash I can out of them. While I am sure that works for some folks in my situation, that is not what I feel like God has called me to do.

I see this time of fundraising as just as much, if not more, of a ministry than my actual trip will be. How am I reflecting Him and what He has called me to do? How do I not ruin relationships but rather include those closest to me in this? These are the questions I wrestle with constantly.

After a few months of not really knowing exactly where to go next with my fundraising, I really felt as if this new “Adopt-a-Square” chart was the next best step. It is so great because it includes everyone: friends who can give $2, family members who might be able to give more, and everyone in between. Plus, I know so many people, so I was sure that 100 squares could be claimed pretty quickly. So I emailed it out with an update. I posted it on my social media accounts. I wrote a blog about it here. And then I waited and prayed.

Look, I know good things take time, and I know that not every single person is going to jump at the chance to give money. I also know that my God has a great plan for me in this time. I get that and I accept that. But can I also just be honest for a minute and tell you that I was discouraged that just a few sweet souls jumped in to adopt squares? And to let you understand how truly low I let myself go, I was genuinely frustrated the following day, “#nationaldogday,” when a photo I posted of my dog and me received way more attention than the introduction of my fundraiser. It just hurts, and I’m sure anyone who has raised their own support or taken on a huge project seemingly alone would understand that feeling.

Read this clearly: This is not a guilt trip blog to make you all feel like terrible human beings, because you are not. You are my people, my tribe, which is why I feel as if I can be completely honest.

Honestly, I cannot do this Race without you. I have said it countless times before and have meant it every time! To those of you who have helped me to reach $8,300 thus far, thank you times one million! I wake up every morning encouraged, excited, and so ready to take on this mission because of your support. However, I still have about $9,000 to raise before I am fully funded.

Here is my challenge. Would you prayerfully consider and choose one of two options? Option 1: If you have followed along with me to this point, would you pray about giving just $11 to my Race fund? That’s it. That’s the amount I’ve chosen to request, because here’s a cool fact for you. Somehow I have 900 Facebook friends. If every one of those people donated $11, I would be fully funded and then some! How awesome is that?!

Option 2: If you’d rather help me find “homes” for these squares, you can adopt a square. Simply comment below with which square you claim, then donate that amount to my fund via this blog where it says, “Support Me.”

Friends, family, dear ones, I want to make this as simple and not annoying as I possibly can. I pray that my heart for international missions is clearly seen. I would not do this if I did not feel completely compelled to do so.

This Race is huge, terrifying, crazy, and seemingly impossible.
But I know that I know that I know that this is the way He has laid out before me.

So please, pray about joining and supporting me. There’s no way I will ever be able to repay you, but the lives and hearts that will be forever changed by your giving in these beautiful, foreign lands should be the greatest reward.