Hiiiii! Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about me! (:

My name is Alyssa Quini. I am 22 years young. Born and raised in Cibolo, Tx. Currently residing in the 903~Tyler, Tx. I moved to Tyler to kick some balls for The University of Texas at Tyler…. 



 Soooo why the World Race?

Wellll, I wish I had an awesome story to give you like many of the other blogs I’ve read.. Travelled to another country and fell in love with whatever ministry.. Ha that’d be cool but that’s not my story. So here we go.

Here’s the timeline:

-Saved by God’s GRACE December 7, 2014

-Baptized at Passion February 1, 2015

-Accepted to the World Race August 8, 2015


Sooo what happened between those huge milestones?

Well, I didn’t really grow up in church so I never really knew who God was and just began my walk in early December. A few weeks later I remember sitting at work and one of my coworkers pulls up the Instagram of a girl from our high school who happened to be on the World Race at the time. I remember thinking how cool it was that she was going on an adventure around the world. Didn’t really understand the whole serving the Lord and spreading the Gospel concept at the time. About a month later the WR came up again and The Lord began to pull at my heart. All I could think about was how bad I felt about my initial thoughts and that if I went it would be out of selfishness. But I began praying about it. While He kept changing my heart and kept the WR on it. I spent hours and hours on the website, clicking every link on every page, watching every video, stalking every WR blog I could find.. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent on the website..

I spent the summer growing closer to Him, laying down my foundation, and finding my identity in Christ. In late July, I was having a conversation with one of my coworkers about the WR and spitting out all the reasons why I wasn’t going on this trip… God literally stopped me mid-sentence and said, “But I’m greater than any worldly excuse you can come up with.” Wow. Ok, you’re right… HA I’m such a puny little human. So I went home. Applied. Waited. Stalked. Interviewed. Stalked more. Boom- accepted.

So, not the coolest story ever, but when God tells you to go, YOU GO! I am beyond thankful that He opened this door for me and is allowing someone like me to serve Him.


My friend Bethany told me last week- you’re like a race car and this is your victory lap. The Lord spent your college career transforming you, changing you, and preparing you for this. You’re ready for this.


OKIEEEE DOKEEEE! I’m trustin’ ya. I’m ready to do this thaaaang!



“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1