A broken heart might be one of the most common things that can connect you to almost everyone in this world. I am sure you can think back to a time when your heart was broken. Maybe it was by an ex boyfriend, parents, or a friend. It doesn’t matter by who, but at some point we have all felt this.


As many of you know this month our evening ministry is bar ministry. Some stay back praying and intercede for us. While others go out to the bar and build relationships with the girls, or whoever God puts in front of us that night.


Tonight was my second night going out. I have really enjoyed leading the intercession time, but I felt that tonight God wanted me to be out there.


I met a girl, we can call her Taya. Taya is beautiful, with dark brown hair that reaches midway down her back. We started talking because she was over by the mirror straightening her hair. I offered to straighten the back for her. We found out we are both 22 years old, and have more similarities than we ever thought we would.


Think back with me to heart break. My heart has been broken more than once. These days it comes in the form of breaking for what breaks God’s heart, and I mean sobbing out of control not even sure why kinda heartbreak for God. But I can think back to a different time, when I didn’t rely on the Holy Spirit as my comforter. I can clearly remember when a boyfriend broke up with me. I can remember acting strong, but sobbing in the shower while covering my mouth so no one would hear. I was hurt. I told myself I wasn’t good enough, and that I hadn’t done things right. My heart was broken, and it wasn’t the first time it felt this way.


So, to the one who broke my heart, thank you. Because of you and the hurt you brought I was able to make a connection. Taya asked if I had a boyfriend. I gave an honest no, not anymore. Taya replies, “same, same.” Her boyfriend had broken up with her around a year ago. If I do the math it was probably around the same time she moved to Chiang Mai, because she needed the money to provide for her parents.


Taya asked why my boyfriend broke up with me. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I don’t really know, I guess he just wanted to be with somebody else.” I looked into Taya’s eyes seeing she felt the same way, wondering why her boyfriend left her and her baby all alone.


Small connections like these, with God’s hand in it turn to amazing big connections. Our host Emmi encouraged us to find one person. One person that we wanted to pour love out on this month. One person to take to lunch, or get our nails done. One person that Lord willing we might just be able to show that there is a better way, a way to get out.


Well I think I found that one person. Taya I hope you continue to share more about yourself with me. To let me play pool with you, even though I’m terribly bad. I hope you meet me for coffee. Taya I hope you see Jesus so strongly on me, that you ask to find the same thing. Taya I hope you see you are worth so much more than the price your body is sold for. That you are a daughter of the most high king.

As I sat drinking my Sprite, I realized Taya and I had many similarities. One big difference is that my story ends with redemption. I have faith that even though that isn’t where Taya’s story is now, someday she to will  find that redemption.