I was sitting here on my bed, reading from my Bible. And, on a rare occasion that a blog just comes to me, I have to write it while it is still in my head.


I was reading in Psalm 59. David writes, “deliver me from evildoers.” I read it again, thinking, I’m not being physically pursued by evildoers so maybe this doesn’t apply to me. I asked God for His thoughts. What should I be taking away from this?


Sometimes that evildoer is myself. My own thoughts can be the evil that pursues me.


Wow. Mic drop if you will. Right there in that moment I stopped, asked for forgiveness, and begged God for healing. Healing from my own self.


This usually seems to happen. Before God reveals something to me about other things, we usually have to get something right between us first. Gotta say, I do love that He loves me enough to convict me, so that we can continue in a pure relationship together.


By the way, He wants the same for YOU as well.


Okay, but this blog was not meant to be about me. Really it is supposed to be about America.


I’ve spent almost this whole year traveling to other countries. I have met tons of people from all over the world. After all these international happenings, some people have realized that America is not the best place out there. Ugh, I know I said it….it’s hard to believe isn’t it?


In fact, many of my friends are dreading the thought of going back to the motherland and will be counting down the days until they can leave again.


While this isn’t the way I feel, I can understand where these thoughts and feelings are coming from. As for myself, God has created a special place in my heart for America.


So anyway, I continued my reading of Psalm 59. Verse 8 says, “but you laugh at them, Lord; you scoff at all those nations.”

I ask God, are you scoffing at our nation?

In Psalm 60 it says, “you have been angry-now restore us!


Now restore us!


That is a bold request.


If David can ask God of this, why can I not ask God for the same thing? Restore our nation. Turn us back to You. Bring us to our knees.


I am sure of this, America will find the revival that it so needs.

It might start in people’s personal prayer closets, or revival might happen in a church. But, that church will spread it to their city, and that city will share it with another city. It might take time but whole states will find this, eventually affecting a whole nation.


And that is when America will finally be great again. Not when certain leaders are elected, although this has big effects on the nation. It will not be great again until we find repentance and turn back to God.


So what am I doing to make America great? I’m starting with myself.


I’ll keep searching my heart, coming to my knees in repentance and walking into unity with God. I’m praying for wisdom, wisdom in who to vote for, and praying that I would tune my ears to the Spirit, so I may follow His will. Not just His will for the elections, but for every part of my life.


And I’m praying for America. I’m praying for whoever might take the next place as president, and all others in the government.


So I challenge you, don’t just resort to moving away, or complaining when you don’t agree with something. This goes for anything! I was just talking with a friend how getting involved looks different for everyone. For me it would look like getting involved with a House of Prayer, and interceding on behalf of whatever that thing might be, or running a race that supports a cause that I feel strongly about. Whereas for her, she would most likely write a letter to her senator or another leader in office.


As long as it is safe, law abiding, and respectful, by all means, do something! Don’t just complain or talk negatively about a situation.


Do Something!

P.S. This is not me telling you who to vote for..