
Welcome to my The World Race blog page! Here you will be able to follow me on my journey to 11 different countries. My team and I will be spreading Christ’s love and proclaiming His name to the nations.

                A little bit about me: I am from a very small town in Wisconsin. I think I was blessed with the most amazing, supportive family EVER. (I may be biased) I have two older brothers; I am the youngest and only girl. I have always loved missions and was able to do many in country mission trips with my youth group at my home church. I took my first out of country mission trip when I was 19 to Uganda, went on my own, and may have terrified my parents! I love helping out at my home church with Sunday school and the youth group. I really love singing, but really wish I would have taken my piano lessons more seriously when younger, or learned to play the guitar!

          So anyway that is just a tiny bit about myself and how I got here!

          Thanks for reading and any support you give! Please keep me and my team in your prayers over the coming year.

Alyssa Posthuma