In the spirit of Thanksgiving…

11 Things I’m Thankful For

(In no particular order)

  1. AMERICA!!!!  
  2. Air-conditioning and the ability to keep bugs out of the house
  3. Security systems and law enforcement
  4. All of my experiences on the World Race (the good, the bad, and the ugly)
  5. Grace!
  6. People who love me and call me higher
  7. Getting to spend Thanksgiving with my family
  8. My Bible
  9. Not having to go to a hospital or doctor all year
  10. Seasons…so glad I don’t have to experience an entire year of summer ever again
  11. Running water and electricity (that works 99% of the time)


And as an added bonus, one more: AIRPLANES that make intercontinental travel so much easier and faster!  I leave Africa at 1 pm tomorrow and will land in America at 7 am Wednesday!