Strict Training…”Greater Love Ministries”


God spoke to me on 05/02, He told me that I will start my own ministry when I get home. So I’ve been praying a lot before this as to where God was wanting me… and He said you’re going to start a ministry… “Greater Love Ministries”. It’s going to be insane, as to how it will all work out with everything, however our God is all possible and He spoke it, I believe it and I’ll be walking by faith! So I knew that when I’d get home I’d be living with people in a house, but God has made it know that it would be those ( I don’t know who yet) that are so on fire for Jesus, so zealous for winning souls to Christ. We are going to evangelize and start revivals! I knew God would tell me my next step in His perfect timing, and this is His perfect timing, I started reading that book, “ Revival Fire” and literally what they did and their desire for people to know God our Savior, revived a fire in me!! This is what I’m suppose to do, because God has revealed this to me and has given me this vision, I’m absolutely spending the next two months in constant prayer about this, and fasting, seeking God’s direction and vision for this ministry. I have no idea how to start any of this, but at the moment I know that it’s too big, too impossible for me to do, and that is exactly the moment we know it’s of God, because then we know we can’t do it on our own but constantly rely on our Father.

If you expect the very least of what God can do, then you’re reaping a harvest of self ability, and lack of true faith; where there’s no need for God to intervene in your life. When the passion that ignites your soul on fire is larger than life, your own ability, and is seemingly impossible then you know it is of God. He is the one who makes all ways happen, the possiblities are endless, the expansion is without limits, having no borders, because what God can do and what He will do is without limit, because of God is limitless. Our Father’s desire is that all people would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth of Him. Jesus died for the sins of all the world, God is looking for those who are obedient to Him voice and say, “YES, I will go, I will do all that you want me to do Father!” God calls us His co-workers in this master plan He has, we are also called the builders. The foundation is Christ Jesus, the foundation has been layed, the church is expanding one life at a time, not one building at a time. When the vision is too big, too wild, too extreme, too much, when you’re thinking you’re too unworthy, too un-qualified, with absolutely nothing to give but your life, then you know it’s of the LORD! It is His plan, His purpose, HIs will, all these things in our lives that we think are completely impossible, are impossible with us. When we lean on our own ability, our own strength our own gifts, they’re impossible. However with God all things are possible, He who with His own breath, spoke the world into existence, with His own breath breathed into Adam and He became a living being, is the same God who has spoken to me His vision. God can and will call anything into existence. All He has to do is say the Word! Starting a ministry at my age, with zero dollars, no house, no vehicle, and no direction other than the first few steps, seems really insane and really impossible to a world who has to see to believe. But God calls us to walk by faith not by sight.  By faith I say, “ this is what God has spoken to me, He has gifted me with the ability to teach, preach, evangelize, He has given me a passion for the lost, and right now, He is saying “trust me and my faithfulness!”.

Someone on social media said, “ I used to be made fun of when sharing my dreams with others and would get insecure and nervous. Then I realized that small dreams only offend a huge God and if you’ve never had a God- sized dream that scared you half to death, then you haven’t really come to life. If you’ve never been overwhelmed by the impossibility of your plans, then your God is too small. If the vision isn’t perplexingly impossible, then you need to expand the radiuses of your dreams, hopes and faith, life is too short to play small.”

“Greater Love Ministries”

1) Fervent and undying LOVE for Christ!

2) Fervent and undying LOVE for People!

3) Love for ceaseless prayer and continual worship!

4) Love and Passion for Witnessing!

Dream big and obey. Pray for me! God will make a way where there seems to be no way!!