Why o Why?
This is the question everyone has been asking me lately. Why would I give up my job? Why would I give up my comfortable home? Why would I leave my friends and family? Why would I put myself in risky situations, mentally, financially, and physically? Why would I care about the rest of the world when there are enough problems here?
You are all in luck! I actually have an answer!!
That actually is my motto 96% of the time but, it’s not that simple this time.
This just isn’t about me. I believe that God has called us to all nations. I live in the United States so most of my ministry is here but I want to take it everywhere. In order to change the world you first need to change yourself. Here, most of the time, Christianity seems watered down. It’s easy to consider yourself a Christian; not many would look down upon you, and you don’t even really have to attend church or read your Bible. In other parts of the world to believe in God you would really need faith. You will get murdered for your faith and reject by your own family. Children have lost all of their family and friends to AIDS and that is also your fate. Some were kidnapped from their homes and have nowhere to go. People are dying all around you from hunger and there is nothing you can do about it. Your great grandma was a prostitute, your grandma was a prostitute, your mom is a prostitute, and you are too—at the age of 6. They tell you if you try to run away they will kill your family. I read all these things about the world but, I will never understand it unless I actually live in it. If I want to do something about human trafficking, I need to live in it. If I want to see the children in AIDS orphanages get hope and receive love, I need to live in it, etc. There is more to life than to just to live the American Dream and I would give it up just so another person may be able to see the love of God and be forever changed by it. So I’m going to give up my own comforts so just maybe someone else will see life the way that I do. Jesus says to give up all that you have and follow Him, and that is just what I do.