I’m wearing my red coat, my hair is blowing in the wind, not too curly and not too straight. I have on my favorite pair of high heel boots and some big sunglasses. I had just got done shopping at a high end designer shore, excited to begin wearing all 20 new pairs of shoes I just purchased. As I walk through the city everyone is looking at me. Wishing they were me. Hoping for me to maybe blow them a kiss. Also, I was about 5ft 7in.
This is what really was happening
One afternoon, thousands came to hear me speak. Every word I said moved them. Some were crying. Some were laughing. After I was done hundreds came up to me afterwards to tell me how much they were going to follow Jesus now too just because of what I had said.
This is what really was happening
Oh…I’m back in my red coat and boots. The limo driver just picked me up and I’m going to say hello to the poor. Maybe I can give them a lot of money. I’m sure people will then think I’m even greater.
i woke up one day.
It all started when I felt like I had too many people to pray for, and so little time. I had the whole day, but it seemed to pass by so quickly. I would set goals on who to pray for, but then days would go by and I realize I had forgotten. Maybe I would start to pray; only getting by with saying their name and my thoughts would quickly drift into day dream mode. This is the ugliest thing I have even noticed about myself. I started to track my thoughts and believe it or not, I hardly thought about others.
My days were filled with fairy tales. Disarming bombs on planes, beating up pimps and saving victims of sex trafficking, becoming the worlds best comedian(even better than Ellen). I also of course would meet the most amazing man who adored me. While some may be somewhat good ideas they were more about me being great. Sometimes my friends are in the dreams too but they aren’t ever as good as me. I mean they could be my sidekick who followed me around. But defiantly a step below me. I’m the one that saves.
I’ve been glorify myself. It’s like fighting an addiction. My mind wants to go to those thoughts. They are fun. They make me feel good. I can waste hours.It’s easier for my thoughts to go there. But as soon as I catch them I have to fight back. I could sit there all day in my dreams. Shouldn’t I be be thinking of real things? People are lost, hurt, and in need. But I’m day dreaming.
Let us all want others before ourselves and God to be glorified, not us. This is something I thought to have already figured out. I mean I did give up the comforts of home just to be out here helping people, right? Or maybe I just left so I could be the cool girl who traveled.