My serious and not-so-serious expectations for the World Race:
1. See God in ways He doesn't in America
2. To be driven to worship Him more completely
3. To know God more intimately
4. To fall in love with God and love His people through His eyes
5. To see His plan for my future more clearly
6. To be a vessel of His love to other people
7. To shine His light in the darkest corners of the Earth
8. To miss my family like crazy
9. To develop a strong bond with my teammates
10. To get out of my comfort zone
11. To grow stronger
12. To learn to depend on God for answers and not my mom
13. To eat some bizarre foods I never would have in the states
14. To miss my church family, especially hanging out with the young 'uns.
15. To plant the seed of the Holy Spirit in at least 1 person
16. To find joy in God's creation
17. To be challenged physically, spiritually, and mentally
18. To see good and evil played out in a more tangible way
19. To find my purpose in life
20. To change the world, even if I may not see the results
21. To see the fruits of depending on God
22. To have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure
23. To gain more discernment
24. To have some sleepless nights because my sleeping and my pad just aren't cutting it
25. To miss long, hot showers
26. To experience writer's block
27.To be grateful for every piece of technology I have in my profession
28. To miss my kitty
29. To hear awesome music
30. To see different ways to worship