I always find it funny how God works things out. I don't know why. You would think after a while it would become normal, but God isn't normal. I know that statement may seem obvious, but we as humans naturally try to fit God in this tiny box, but God can't fit into a box (well he could if He wanted but that's beside the point). God is "not a tame lion" as the Narnians would put it. He's this awesome being who acts in ways that we can't even begin to comprehend just so that we might get to know Him a little better.
The past couple of weeks I've kind of avoided thinking about the World Race. It's a bad habit I have when something overwhelms me or I face and obstacle I don't think I can overcome: I put it out of my mind. I was beginning to get anxious about fundraising because I'm not good at it. I never have been.
God saw my confusion and dealt with it. One of my favorite bands, Hawk Nelson, just released a new album with some songs that God used to encourage me and give me determination. One of those songs is "Outside the Lines." It talks about how God works everything out and how He paints outside the lines: meaning that He works beyond our human understanding.
The other song, "Made," is their title song. It talks about how we are perfectly made and are exactly who God wants us to be. It encouraged me, but my mind also jumped to everbody I would be encountering on the Race. These people may have never received even a glimpse of God's love. My heart broke for these people I haven't even met yet and I remembered why I wanted to go on this adventure: I want God to use me to show His people love and that they are perfectly made.
As if that weren't enough, God gave me one last reminder as to why I was doing this. Some friends from my church knew this guy that had done the World Race and set up a meeting with him so that my parents and I could talk with him, partially to allay their fears and partially so I could learn about what life was like on the race. All during our chat, I got all excited again for the task set before me.
Now, I do realize that there will be periods of doubt where I can't remember why in the world I would sign up for something like this. I'll also go through periods where it just doesn't seem worth it. However, I know that God will work with me through these periods and that they can be used for periods of growth.