I have been trying to write a blog for three months now. I’ve had the time, boy have I had the time, but I just can’t seem to get it right. This is one of those times that if you weren’t there to understand it’s hard to explain. I think so much more of the race is like that than what most outsiders understand. It’s not entirely the fault of those on the outside; us racers just don’t share the side that isn’t pretty very often. At least we don’t share it unless we can turn the ugly into a beautiful picture of growth and change. Some months aren’t like that. Most moments aren’t like that. The instagram pictures and facebook posts are such a minuscule view of this thing we call the world race.

Don’t get me wrong we have those amazing moments and they are life changing wonderful moments. It’s just the majority of our time isn’t like that. The race is still life, it’s not an extended vacation or some mystical journey; it’s life, it just looks a little different than life back “home”. It’s so easy when you scroll through instagram and blogs to get starry eyed and to feel the wanderlust setting in, we have all been there. This journey is so much more than those pictures and so much less. Most days (like today for me actually) are spent rather dejected, unsure what you are doing or why you are even on the race. Ministry is hard, and easy, and overwhelming, and fulfilling, and lacking, sometimes all at once.

It’s life, it’s hard and messy and easy and beautiful. Life is what we make it; the race is what we make it. There are ups and downs and a million curves in-between. The beauty is life doesn’t stop on the race. It isn’t the most beautifully edited picture on instagram and that’s wonderful. When it’s hard it’s miserable, when it’s great it’s amazing. It’s what we choose, it’s life lived in a way many never expected. It’s redeeming and heartbreaking. There is growth and backsliding.

The beauty of the race isn’t the miracles or the growth. The beauty of the race is that it’s life, just life.