Believe it or not I am finally in month one of the race! My squad and I flew into Albania on July 3rd. There isn’t too much to share just yet because we have only been doing ministry for two days, but I wanted to let everyone know we are here safe and having an absolute blast. Part of our ministry is to just spend time with the local teens in the afternoons, so yesterday we went to the beach. It was so relaxing and beautiful. In moments like that is when it really hits me that we are in Albania. God’s creation is so beautiful and I am constantly giving thanks for this opportunity to meet these amazing people and see so much of His creation. Like I said there isn’t a ton to say right now, but I will update again later in the month once we really get into the swing of ministry. Please continue to be in prayer for my team and squad as we settle into world race life! And thank you again for all the support I wouldn’t be here without all of you!

Below is a picture of the view from where we are staying this month!